Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

ELMIRA DAILY GAZETTE AND FREE PRESS. JULY .20 1894. Steam Laundry has the method of laundering lay down and point Collars without cracking them. Send a trial package and see how the work is done. 165 Lake Elmira, N.

Y. APANESE NOVELTIES -AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES FOR A FEW DAYS, -AT. DUMAR'S WEST END BOOKSTORE, Water Street, corner Railroad Avenue. J.A. WALKER, CONTRACTOR FOR Steam and Hot Water Heating, Sanitary Plumbing, Gasand Electric 334 E.

Water Street. GOOD EVENING TRERE THE GAZETTE IS ON SATE Jacob Miller's Grocery .....126 Penn. Ave. Ransom's South Main Street. Waldo's lee Cream Main Street.

Looker Derr's Main aud 34 Street. Cor. Our New York Bureau. George A. Coonee, room 212.

Stewart Building New York City, is the accredited correspondent of the Gazette, and any news with which our readers visiting the metropolis may furnish him will be received and transmitted gratis. Gazette readers are invited to make Mr. Coonee's place their headquarters while in New York. To and From Horseheads. Cars leave the corner of Lake and Water streets, Elmira, and in front of the Platt house.

Horsehends, at the same time. A. 8:18: 10:42: 11:54. ML: 1:06: 10:06. Calendar for To- Day.

July 20; Sun rose 4:40 a.m., sets 7:31 p. moon rises 9:16 p. length 14h. 51m. Current Local Events.

Father Mathew society's excursion to Seneca Point July 26. Prohibition ratification meeting at the opera house, this evening. July 20. Union Sunday school picnic to Soldiers Home and Lake Keuka July 21. Erie excursion to Lake Keaka Sunday.

MINOR LOCALS -Prohibition ratification meeting at the opera house to night. -The Prohibition mass meeting and rally will be held this evening at the opera house. -Ralph R. Mulcare and Ernest Spencer have been appointed substitute carriers in the post office. -The coroner's inquest to determine as to the cause of the accident Monday at the glass works will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock.

-A delivery wagon owned by D. Smith was struck by the E. H. transfer car on Main street yesterday afternoon and was badly broken. -The annual reunion of the Lamoreaux, Van Vleet and Neal families will be held at Lamoreaux's landing on Seneca Lake, Thursday, August 9th.

-The Elmira Rod and Gun club held their trap shoot at the old driving park yesterday. There were ten matches and about 2,000 birds used. Mrs. Jane Jones, who was convicted of stealing lemons from the Northern Central freight house, still refuses to make known the names of the two girls who were with her. -Mrs.

Antoinette D. Peck and John E. Osborn were married at No. 230 Brady street last evening by the Rev. William H.

Chapman, pastor of the Franklin street Presbyterian church. -The parade and drill at the reformatory yesterday afternoon was witnessed by about 900 people including many of the excursion party from Corning through the kindness of Acting Superintendent R. P. Bush. -The Bath and Elmira base ball teams will play a game at the Maple avenue park to-mororw afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.

The Bath team will have Billy Callihan of Buffalo as pitcher and the old reliable "Doe" Kenedy will preside over first base. -Twelve or fourteen hundred persons gathered at the Oak Ridge hotel last evening and listened to the delightful strains of beautiful selections as played by Mulcaire George's orchestra. The West Side cars did a big business to and from the resort. At M. Estabrook's Music Studio, 519 W.

Gray, you can buy pianos and organs for less than any place in city. Time given. Pianos tuned. will undoubtedly avail themselves a A large number of people from this, city pleasant day's outing Sunday, July 22d, and accompany the Erie's special low rate excursion to Lake Keuka. Office Desks Cheap.

Silsbee Furniture Co. July 16-9t THE NEW COPPERS. More of the Finest Appointed by the Po- lice Commissioners Yesterday. The police commissioners at their meeting held yesterday afternoon appointed the following five young men as city patrolmen: James McDonough, 120 Miller street; James Deneen, 724 Lake street; Richard James, 606 Sullivan street; Dennis Murray, corner Erie and Miller streets, and Joshua Baker, who has been the janitor of the county buildings in this city for several years. 'The commissioners claim that the appointments were made strictly upon the standing and capabilities of the applicants.

The force is now increased to thirty-four men. The new men assembled at police headquarters this morning and were sworn in by the clerk of the police board. They were given proper instruction and measured for uniforms. They will go on duty to-day and some of the old men will be transferred from night to day service. The officers will now begin taking their annual vacations of ten days each, so that two men will be off duty all of the time.

Officer Twoomey is still off duty, suffering from injuries sustained by falling in a hatchway. ANOTHER SENSATION. High Street Butcher and His Wife Fall Out. A sensation was created late one night this week when a High street butcher was seen chasing a young man of the Seventh ward 1 up Lake street. The Seventh warder was captured near the opera house, and received a good threshing the hands of the butcher.

The had discovered that the young man, who is single was enjoying the society of his wife. The climax came when the butcher returned unexpectedly and found the young man in his house. The result is a broken up home. The butcher removed his household effects to the home of his parents Wednesday. A fine piano which he had purchased for his wife was returned to Greener's.

A divorce case will probably follow. It is said the young man promised to meet the butcher Wednesday night and explain the situation, but he failed to do as he agreed. All parties concerned are well known. Mrs. Jone; Discharged.

Mrs. Jane Jones, who was arrested for stealing lemons, was allowed to go home this afternoon. She denied that she knew the girl who was with her, whom she said run away. Not the Right Hotel. To the Editor of the Gazette: In 1 your issue to-day you stated that a lady was stopping at the Hotel Miller that had been assaulted near the L.

W. depot. I wish to state that no such person has, or is, stopping in my house. John Miller. Corning N.

July 19. Personal. -Mr. and Mrs. Guy Spencer left this morning on their wedding tour.

-Mildon Morgan has returned from a short visit in Auburn and Syracuse. -Miss Rose Edgerton of Rock Stream is visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. D.

Miles on Grove street. -Thomas Pickley, operator at the Erie station of Wellsburg, visited his parents in Waverly, N. Thursday of this week. -Engineer Preston, formerly of the Lehigh Valley railroad, has secured a fine position on the Ontario Western railroad. Funeral of Frank Goodman.

The funeral of the late Frank Goodman was held yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at his home, No. 432 West Fifth street. The Rev. Dr. McKnight officiated.

The pall-bearers were Michael Dalton, G. M. Cuthbert, Patrick Gorman, Charles White, M. Donovan and Jeremiah McDonnell. The interment was in Woodlawn ceme- tery.

Met With an Accident. About 6:30 o'clock last evening as Mrs. John R. Larew was driving up Lake street and had reached the D. L.

W. crossing, the gateman signaled her to cross. The gateman observing a train approaching dropped the gates when Mrs. Lariew was on the crossing. She was struck on the head and shoulders by the arms of the gate bruising her severely.

She was removed to her home, No. 1024 Lake street and attended by physicians. Small Pox in Penn Penn Yan, N. July smallpox has been discovered in this village in the person of an old lady named Rarrick, who resided in the house at the corner of Seneca and Railroad streets. She was removed at a late hour Wednesday night to the quarters down the stream assigned to those who have had the dread disease.

Mrs. Carr had a serious stroke of paralysis Wednesday at the residence of her son, George Carr, in Voak. Dr. Allen of Gorham is in attendance. Parlor Suits Cheap.

Silsbee Furniture Co. July 16-9t Morgan, Photographer, 161 Baldwin ground floor. dtf. Rawson the Florist--Roses by the Mil- Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry of the better class. New and original designs.

Reasonable prices. WILLIAM H. FROST. Jeweler, Corner Lake and Water Sts. A CHECKERED LIFE.

"Lon" Whiteman's Remarkable Career and Downfall. FROM THE SENATE TO THE JAIL. He Aimed to Shine in Society and in Politics and Quickly Ran Through Thousands of Dollars-Author of a Political Shibboleth, In the Chicago Herald of Tuesday appeared an interesting story of the the markable former career Danville of Alonzo J. who is Whiteman, under man arrest at Detroit on suspicion of being implicated with James R. Dewitt in passing a bogus check at the Hotel Cadillac in that city, and who is also thought to have been mixed up in the crime by which the Four City bank of Rochester was defrauded out of $1,500 on a forged check, and who was also implicated in the troubles which led to the imprisonment of Mr.

and Mrs. Robert J. Knox in Mexico. Whiteman is also wanted in California oll a charges in connection with several forgeries and if he is released at Detroit he will be taken to the Pacific coast. In its sketch the Herald says: "Alonzo J.

Whiteman has had no common career. The son of a millionaire, he was sent about the time he attained his majority from his home in Northern New York to the West. His father sent him away because of his convival habits, thinking that the bracing atmosphere of Dumight help make a man of him. Young" Whiteman was given plenty of money to embark in life with. "Alonzo Whiteman, according to the testimony of those who knew him in his early years, was weak-minded from infancy, As soon as his father, who could not trust him at home, gave him a little leeway and some funds he proved that he was not smart.

He attempted to cut a great figure in two different spheres society and politics. The only recommendation he had to push him ahead in either was his money. He moved to St. Paul after he had been chosen a State Senator from the Duluth district. While in the Legislature he tried to gain the good will of some men he was anxious to concilate by giving the most sumptous entertainment ever known at the capital.

He has been known to give as many as four dinners in a week, each one of which $500. "Yet, for all that, Whitman was the laughing stock of the Legislature. He could not make even a fair speech. fell in with a crowd of statesmen both parties who played a pretty stiff game of poker. Whiteman's proticiency at the game is shown by the fact that his losses reached $2,000 a night sometimes, and he was never known to win.

"Whiteman's money helped him into St. Paul's Society. He was only tolerated however, and four years after his father's death he had squanderd all of the fortune of $1,000,000 that he could get hold of. "Whiteman his money freely. He gave costly suppers in the old Merchants' hotel, of St.

Paul--then the political rendezvous of the state -and also at the Hotel Ryan, and was also credited with being a heavy poki player. While in Duluth he styled himself as 'a dealer in pine lands' and had extensive offices in the Exchange Building. Politically he was not supposed to have influence in the state except so far as his money reached, and that was thrown right and left with prodigality. 1887, when he was preparing himself for a Congressional campaign, which he intenedd to make but did not, he took an active part in defeating the plans of A. Ames, of Minneapolis, for the Democratic nomination for Governor.

It was a favorite saying of his in those days: 'A man in public life can not be too careful about what he says for He would then indite pages of typewritten matter as to his views on the tariff. "His father died early in March, 1888, at Dansville, N. and for nearly two years after Whiteman was a great social factor in St. Paul and Minneapolis. He was received in the homes of ex-Governor Merriam, Senator Washburn, the Pillsburys, Kellys, of the twin cities, and was considered an eligible match.

Among politicians of the stamp of Senator Henry Kellar, ex-Senator C. B. Buckham, exCongressman Comstock, John Sutphin and R. C. Dunn he was used largely to further by his Senatorial vote local schemes, but was never taken into the closest councils of the party.

It was in one of the Democratic state conventions Minnesota that he became author of a phrase now used there as a shibboleth. This was: "'From the waters of northeastern Maine, wher the pines whisper above purling ripples, to the waters of the Pacific, laving the base of the Cascade, a voice is proclaiming Democratic "The convention in which he attempted to make the speech which the foregoing lines opened hissed him from the platform. "His only appearance in Minnesota politics was as a State Senator for one term, and with the mismanagement of a large estate left to him and his defeat for a renomination to the Senate and a monination to Congress, he disappeared from the political and social world of the state. He was always considered eccentric and extremely egotistical and in personality made few friends. "When Whiteman's career as a plunger was over and he was in straits for money he resorted all sorts of shifts.

He registerd at the Richelieu last winter under the name of Rhinelander, representing himself to be one of the New York family of that name. The second day Mr. Bemis cashed his check for $150, after which "Rhinelander" disappeared. He was encountered on the street two days later by the clerk and compelled to return to the hotel. A friend paid the amount he was short.

Whiteman's next hotel exploit her was to run up a bill of $18 at the Grace hotel early this month. He was locked up in a room by Manager Grace until a friend found some one who paid the "Whiteman finally degenerated into a race track swindler. It is alleged he 'welched' on two eastern tracks and attempted do it at the Washington Park. He tried to do business on the Board of Trade trough brokers, to whom he would give his check in excess in the amount he wished to invest, receiving the difference in cash. Cashier Frank W.

Smith, of the Corn Exchange bank, had a draft for 000 on New York, payable to Whiteman's order, presented by a customer who was suspicious. A telegram to the New York bank elicted a response that Whiteman Had no account there, and I it would be well to look out for of his paper. The same customer reported that he lost his commissions the deal, $43.75. "Mr. Smith denied yesterday that the Corn Exchange bank held $50,000 of Whiteman's forged paper, saying that all he knew about Whiteman was in relation to the above transaction." LET FIGURES ALONE.

The Advertiser Again Demonstrates the Axion That it is an Ass. Whenever the Gazette's garrulous morning contemporary attempts to "figger," its effort is always ridiculous enough to make a Billy goat shed his whiskers. Yesterday morning the Advertiser, with no excuse whatsoever, as the figures came to it direct by wire, reported Robert J. as trotting a heat at Detroit in 2:00 3-4. The telegraph report was as much the property of the Gazette as the Advertiser, but knowing the morning goose never was correct at anything pertaining to figures, the Gazette rectified the error in what seemed a logical way, and with the best facilities then at hand.

In order to guard against 2. mistake, however, the Gazette looked the matter up further, and later found that instead of the heat being trotted in 2:08 8 3-4 minutes it was 2:09 3-4. Now here is where the stupid 'Tizer makes a laughing stock of itself. It says: The sad part of the story comes in at the close of the article, wherein the brilliant mathematician confesses that with all his skill in manufacturing figures he was exactly a minute away from the time announced by the judges. It was only a few weeks ago that this same mathematical wonder attempted to tell the Gazette that eight from ten does not leave two.

Now it says that the difference between 2:08 3-4 minutes and 2:09 3-4 is "exactly one minute." Perhaps the Advertiser will tell us to morrow how many yards of moonshine it takes to make a bullfrog a pair of breeches. Get your ears clipped, neighbor! F. Horace S. Ritter, M. D.

301 E. Church. Specialist on ear, eye, nose and throat. Special attention to deafness and catarrhal affections, former by the new method, vibratory motion. apr 30 dtf The Health and Pleasure Resorts of Michigan and the West.

Are illustrated and described in a handsome folder, containing a fine map, which has just been issued by the Michigan Central "The Niagara Falls Route," and which is designed for the special use of people in the East who wish to learn something about the resorts of Michigan and the West. Copy of the folder will be sent on application to W. H. Underwood, Eastern Passenger Agent, Buffalo, N. Y.

deod5t How's This Can you stand that heavy coat this hot weather, when you can get as cool as "they make 'em" for a mere trifle. We've good line of "cool stuff" left and we don't intend to carry any of it over either. Prices are down to the lowest notch, and styles are the newest. We would be glad to show them to you. Hallock 111 and 113 East Water street.

rid3t CALLAHAN'S SEMI ANNUAL CLEARING SALE. All Spring and Summer Suitings Marked Down. Fine imported trouserings to order worth $10; another lot at $6.50, worth 50. Suitings reduced in same proportion, everything first class only. Finest trimmings, best workmanship and, correct styles Those prices will remain until August 1st, when expect the first shipments of our extensive fall stock and must have room for it, consequently the above reduction.

Come before the choice are selected. tf Have You Noticed it That we are not saying much about straw hats? The fact is out line is pretty well cleaned up. We still have all sizes in stock, and you can buy at very low figures. In fact at almost your own prices. If you need a straw hat and want it cheap try us.

Hallock 111 and 113 East Water street. rid3t Dr. Chauncey S. Carey. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, Opera House block.

Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. 7 to 8 p.

m. Dr. G. E. Orton Oculist and Aurist.

Glasses fitted with pebble glass. Catarrh cured. Artificial eyes inserted. 104 West Water street, Elmira. feb.24-dtf, Dr.

G. M. Case, suecessor to Drs. Tewksbury Case; specialties, disenses of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Thront: fitting spectacles. 122 Main street, Elmira.

Br. Chauncey S. Carey, Dr. Chauncey S. Carey, opera house block, over Second National Bank.

Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Special attention given to the correction of all anomalies of vision by glasses, and catarrhal diseases of nasopharyer. Hours, 10 to 4, 7 to 8. Chauncey S. Carey.

Sideboards Cheap. Silsbee Furniture Co. July 16-9t. E. C.

N. special excursion to Thousand Islands, Thursday, August 2d. Fare for round trip $5. dit R. H.

WALKER (AGENT) Contractor for Steam Hot Wator Heating, SANITARY PLUMBING, 112 Lake Eta N. Y. SO TE OPTICIAN. Glasses Fitted by P. BEVILLARD, The Optician, 218 EAST WATER STREET, Are the Best.

We stay and guarantee our Glasses. No humbug. apr6dif CHEERAN DE ACO July Bargains All summer goods are selling readily at the low prices markedbargains are on every counter--the leading attraction for this week. "Our Remnant Sale," scored a big success. More remnants left; all are marked at prices that will sell them.

MORE SPECIALS. Linen fringes, white and colors, were now ge a yd. Another lot worth IOC, now 5c a yard. Choice lot of linen D'Oylies and mats, were 5c to 10c, all at one price, 2c each. Figured and dotted Swiss dress goods, sold from 25c to 50c a yard, now 25c.

New laces for trimming, wash fabrics at reduced prices. Chemisettes, white and colors, were 25c, now. 17c each. Choice line Windsor ties that were 19c, now each. Bargains in handkerchiefs and gloves.

Ladies' fast black hose, were 50c now 29c a pair. Ladies' lisle hose, sold from 39c to 69c, now 25c a pair. Men's French Madras shirts, value 75c, now 50c. Men's and boys' outing shirts at each. Three bargains at the dress goods counter, wool dress goods at 124c, 19c and 33c a worth double the prices marked.

Sheehan, Dean 124 W. Water ELMIRA, N. F. Durand Pratt All Hot Weather Goods Marked Down, Fancy Parasols at 82.00 that were $3.00 and $4.00. Just received another invoice plain white parasols, the latest styles out.

A new line Pin Head white dotted Swisses just in, they are very scarce. Printed Dimities marked' down. Sateens the finest line. in the city. A large line of 4-4 Cambrics for Shirt Waists and Dresses just in.

Another case of those handsome Challies at 3c, worth 5c ordinarily. We have a few more of those $3.75 Eton Worsted Suits left. White Duck Suits, and our fine Wrappers we are receiving full supplies daily at 102 104 W. Water ELMIRA, N. Y.


PRATI I am Stocking the Coal Yard, No. 109 E. Second With all Sizes Best Anthracite Coal. Will Sell at Very Low Prices -FORCASH! F. M.

WIXSON. novideodtf Things That You Need Now. Screen Windows, All Sizes and Kinds. THE ELEGANT "LUXURY" HAMMOCK. In Plain and Fancy Colors.

"First Choice" and "Mabel" Lawn Mowers, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. The Alaska Refrigerators and Ice Chests. 15 Varieties from 75c ROYAL OIL STOVES. to $15.00. Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers and House Furnishing Goods of all Descriptions.

M. B. HELLER 126 WEST WATER STREET. jan20dtf HUDSON HOWES case of Still further reductions in the price of Boots and Shoes at the great sale of Hudson Howes. We still have a large assortment of ladies' fine shoes, of E.

C. Burt's, Geo. E. Barnard's, Lounsbury, and John Kelly's make. We are going to close them out at prices that will astonish you.

To those wishing a fine shoe at a low price, this is an exceptional opportunity. We have left a lot of youths' bal. and button, of Dugan Hudson's make, these goods are known to the trade as the finest youths' goods made; we will sell them way below cost. Note the prices on some of these goods: Youths' formerly $3.00 now $1.90 Button, 2.50 1.65 Ladies' imported Cans. Butt.

French Kid Opera Turns 66 Foxed Adonis Ties Kid Pat. Tip Bal. Kid John Kelly's Men's Pat. Lea. Cong.

Silk Top 66 Russia Bal. Cord Bal. and Cong. We would call attention to parties to an endless variety to select from see for yourself. 6.00 2.25 5.00 66 3.00 4.50 2.75 3.00 1.90 3.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 6.00 4.50 6.00 66 4.00 wearing 2, and 3, in all widths, at one half their value.

Call and HUDSON HOWES 329 East Water Street..

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.