[PDF] HAPPY CHANUKAH N E W S & V I E W S ח ד ש ו ת ו ה ש ק פ ו ת DECEMBER 2014 FAIR LAWN JEWISH CENTER / CONG. BNAI ISRAEL - Free Download PDF (2024)




NEWS & VIEWS ‫ח ד ׁש ֹו ת ו ה ׁש ק פ ֹו ת‬


‫ טבת ּתשע"ה‬- ‫ּכסלו‬


FAIR LAWN JEWISH CENTER CONGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL 10-10 Norma Ave. Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 201.796.5040 [emailprotected] Howard & Joshua Herman Education Center 201.796.7884 [emailprotected] Shirley & Paul Pintel Pre-School 201.796.9434 [emailprotected] Rabbi Ronald Roth Rabbi Emeritus Simon Glustrom Cantor Eric L. Wasser Cantor Emeritus Max Rubin Synagogue Administrator Claudia Judelman Religious School Principal Judy Gutin Early Childhood Director Carol Weber President Jerry Weiner Executive Vice President Ellen Wertheim Vice President Michael Baer Vice President Craig Mont Treasurer Jeff Zerowin Secretary Jen Mendelsohn Honorary Presidents *Nat Sprechman *Marge Bornstein *Julian Bornstein Irving Sklaver * Deceased

Sisterhood President M.P.C President Caterer Advertising Editor

Leslie FruchT Seth Seigel -Laddy Main Event Carol Peligal Norma F. Pollack

News & Views (USPS #096-220) is published ten times a year. $1.00 of annual membership dues is for yearly subscription to News & Views. The Fair Lawn Jewish Center - Cong. Bnai Israel, 10-10 Norma Avenue, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 publishes News & Views. Periodicals postage paid at Fair Lawn, NJ. Postmaster: Send address changes to News & Views, 10-10 Norma Avenue, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES The Fair Lawn Jewish Center - Cong. Bnai Israel holds morning and evening services every day . DAILY Sunday 9:00 AM & 7:30 PM Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM & 7:30 PM Friday 8:00 AM

SHABBAT Friday evening

6:30 PM

FROM THE EDITOR It’s cold outside, but here at the Center it’s always warm and haimish. Just look below . . . There’s Something here for everyone, whether it’s scholarly, services, or just fun -- even a couple of Chanukah recipes. C’mon in out of the drear! See our huge menorah; it’s the Festival of Lights! Have a Happy Chanukah, and a happy, health and peaceful 2015 for us and for all Israel.

Norma F. Pollack TABLE OF CONTENTS Adult Education Bar Mitzvah Book of the Lunch Calendar Candle lighting Cantorial Contemplation

11 22 11 31 2 4 Chai Mitzvah 21 Chanukah 7 College/Yng. Ad. Brunch 22 Deaths 2 Donations 33 Families w/Yng. Children 25 Family Matters 22 High Holiday Survey 5 Isle of Klezbos 14 Latkes 9

Men’s Progress Club Month - Kislev Nosh & Knowledge Pre- School Presidential Pondering Rabbinic Reflections Religious Affairs Comm. Religious School Shabbat Hosting Sisterhood Social Action Committee

17 12 3 25 4 3 6 23 27 15 13 Sufganiyot 9 Synagogue Administrator 5 Teens & Jeans 22 Torah Fund Donors 15

COMING UP IN DECEMBER . . . 1 2 3 6 9 16 17 17 20 21 21 24 31

Book of the Lunch — Maus Nosh & Knowledge Mishnah Class Sisterhood Concert — Isle of Klezbos Nosh & Knowledge Nosh & Knowledge Mishnah Class Board of Directors’ Meeting MPC Health & Wellness Event: Basketball

Chanukah Chagigah Teens & Jeans Mishnah Class Mishnah Class

Shabbat morning Chapel 9:00, Sanctuary 9:30 AM Junior Congregation 10:30 AM Tot Shabbat 10:30 AM Shabbat Mincha After Morning Service & Kiddush There is no evening Maariv service on Shabbat

‫ נחמּו עמי‬,‫נחמּו‬ We note with sorrow the passing of


December 5 December 12 December 19 December 26


4:11 PM 4:11 PM 4:13 PM 4:16 PM

Jack Pollack Leonard Rosenthal Milton Musikant, brother of Saul Musikant

May the Lord console and sustain you, together with all the mourners for Zion and Jerusalem.


Hanukah and Faith – Light During the Darkness of Doubt Some years ago I taught a class on a topic that is not often discussed in Jewish adult education, “Spiritual Autobiography.” I described it in the following way: “…a means for clarifying the spiritual dimensions of our lives, understanding the people, places, and events that have most deeply shaped our lives. We will better understand the themes that have defined our lives and clarify the hopes that can guide us in the future.” One of the class exercises involved creating a graph. One axis plotted time, the other faith in G-d. It was no surprise to see the zigs and zags on the paper that each student created. There were high points, low points, and plateaus. One purpose of the class was to validate a simple reality of the life of faith. There are times in almost all lives when we experience, to use a phrase that Martin Buber wrote about, the eclipse of G-d. That can also be simply labeled doubt. I was quite surprised some months ago when I read about the Reverend Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, who said that there were moments where he wondered, “Is there a G-d? Where is G-d?” When he was asked about whether or not he had doubts he replied, “It is a really good question. ... The other day I was praying over something as I was running, and I ended up saying to G-d, ‘Look, this is all very well, but isn’t it about time you did something if you’re there?’ Which is probably not what the archbishop of Canterbury should say.” That was followed by a great uproar. The International Business Times called it “the doubt of the century.” The Daily Show commented, “Archbishop of Canterbury admits doubts about existence of G-d.” Adds: “But atheism doesn’t pay them bills, sooo ….” The Reverend’s honest words made for good headlines and witticisms, but it struck me as simply the revelation of what those who have studied the byways of a life of faith already knew. There are moments of surety as well as times of doubts. In my life I have felt uncertainty when I witnessed and guided families through tragedies such as the death of children, and undeserved suffering. I have no easy answer to doubts . I accept them as part of my faith. I mentioned some of my thoughts about doubt a few weeks ago at a program at our synagogue, when our Rabbi Emeritus, Simon Glustrom, spoke about his new book, Unfinished Journey, A Rabbi’s Bout with Doubt, a book I highly recommend.

I think of this as well as we are about to celebrate Hanukah. We light the menorah when the days are the shortest. The darkness of the night and its gloom can overwhelm us. Why did the Maccabees light the oil on the first day of the festival? There was only enough oil for one day. They could have despaired and let their doubts overtake them. They could have said that it was impossible to keep the Torah’s command to light a “perpetual lamp” in the Temple for eight days with that small cruse of oil. Why didn’t they just give up and go home? I suspect there were those who had doubts about the ability of the oil to last for eight days. Despite this, they lit the flame and, as we say, “a great miracle happened.” Perhaps this is one path to deal with times of doubt when faith is difficult to maintain. Simply take a small first step, the necessary immediate action, even if it doesn’t look like it will fulfill all your hopes. Perhaps from such a simple act, doubt can be extinguished and hope blaze forth.

NOSH & KNOWLEDGE Join us for Nosh & Knowledge with Rabbi Roth. Tuesdays, 11:30 — 12:30 in the Youth Lounge December 2 December 9 December 16 Engage in challenging discussions of Biblical texts, all read in English. Everyone is welcome as we study the Torah. All discussions are in English and each class is independent of the others, so you can come as often as you like. Fresh bagels, tea and coffee served.


CANTORIAL CONTEMPLATION Cantor Eric Wasser, Ed.D. Dear Friends, I hope this correspondence finds you doing well, enjoying the balmy weather!! I am thrilled that there are so many great things going on in our synagogue. We are blessed to have dedicated lay people and talented staff which make our community such a special place. In keeping with the changing times, we are planning an instrumental Kabbalat Shabbat Service on December 19. The service will offer us an opportunity to sing together and welcome Shabbat in a progressive yet spiritually-exciting fashion. As you know, over the last number of decades, congregations throughout the country have implemented Friday Night Live services as a way through which to invigorate and uplift communities in prayer. In New York City, almost one thousand people attend the Bnei Jesherun Friday night service, enriched by a 10-piece band. Here in Fair Lawn, our goals are modest. We believe in the power of music as a unique way to touch the Jewish neshama. We also are dedicated to the concept of innovation and experimentation. Our service will include the participation of the Shir Joy Two Band, and we will do all of the traditional davening. While I personally recognize that this may not be “everybody’s cup of tea,” I do applaud our collective efforts to try something a little out of the box. I encourage you to come, listen, pray, sing, and join in the Ruach that we will create together. I also look forward to your feedback. It is my intention to try this type of service a number of times over the next semester to see if it finds traction in our community. The only thing I ask, is that we all open ourselves to new experiences and possibilities. On Shabbat, December 20 we will again feature a number of our Yad Shel Chai Torah readers. This program, which is sponsored by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, seeks to support the participation of post Bnei Mitzvah students in our weekly Torah readings. We have a number of students who have worked diligently to prepare Torah readings, and chant in an excellent manner.


PRESIDENTIAL PONDERING Jerry Weiner With the High Holidays and the Chagim behind us, I hope we are each spiritually refreshed. The beauty of our services led by Rabbi Roth, Cantor Wasser and the many volunteers was something to marvel at. I know we each were so proud to be here and to be a member of this Congregation. I extend a warm thank you to those who have given so generously to our Capital Campaign and Kol Nidre Campaign. Your generosity has shown your deep affection and support for the FLJC/CBI. I hope those of you who are still considering giving will participate, and do so to the best of your ability. The FLJC is our home, and rather than think about this as pure tzedakah, I urge that you consider this as a part of maintaining our home, our programs and activities, to meet the needs of our family members from pre-school to adulthood. I ask that we each consider making a great Congregation an even better one for this and future generations. Once again, thank you for your support. Our committees have been very active planning a new year of programming. I extend an invitation to you to take advantage of our offerings, which present many opportunities for each of us to discover and learn new information, to interact with our clergy and other members, and to enjoy ourselves. I thank each chairperson and the members of their committees for giving of their time and ideas. I thank Rabbi Roth for continuing his weekly classes, both morning and evening, and Cantor Wasser for his weekly study group and evening class. I thank Charles Cohen (Charlie to most of us) and his committee for their inspiring and uplifting Adult Education programs. They each are well attended, and our audience finds the presentations entertaining, educational and gratifying. Our Sisterhood and Men’s Progress Club continue to support us, both financially and by offering many programs and activities which are of major benefit to us, young and more mature. Take advantage of all these offerings and participate in them with your family. Thank you Leslie Frucht, Seth Seigel-Laddy and the members of these organizations.

As well, this Shabbat of Chanukah will feature the participation of our choir, in an effort to bring more light and joy into our Shabbat Chanukah celebration. I believe that these initiatives, in concert with one another (no pun intended) will continue to add to the ambiance of our prayer experience. Mark your calendars; sit back, relax, participate, sing and daven.

Thanksgiving has passed, and I hope you enjoyed being with your family and eating turkey and all the “goodies.” Our Chanukah Chagigah and celebration of Chanukah is around the corner. Enjoy lighting the candles together with family, singing special songs, eating the latkes, playing dreidel, and giving and receiving gifts.

B’Shalom UB’Shira,

Ellie and I wish you and your family a wonderful and fun-filled Chanukah, and a happy and healthy New Year.


Guess Who's Doing a High Holiday Survey? We are! We want to hear from you!

In Pirke Avot (1:17) we read that it is not what one says, but rather what one does that makes all the difference. Last month, so many FLJC/CBI members took time out from their busy lives to do their part in changing the world for the better. Our Mitzvah Day was a huge success, engaging our members of all ages. Our Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbos program continued with its second Shabbat event – reaching out and connecting relationships between another dozen or so families within our FLJC family. Did you meet anyone new here at the Center? December is short on daylight but big on action at FLJC. What’s your favorite activity here at the synagogue? Did you commit to work on one of our committees, or take advantage of one of the many learning opportunities here at FLJC/CBI? It’s never too late – we’d love to have you.

In order to listen more closely to the members of our congregation, and to add inspiration to our High Holidays, we are asking you to fill in a survey about those services. It will only take you a few minutes. The easiest way is to type the following link into your computer: https://www.research.net/s/FLJC_CBI If you would prefer to fill it out on paper, either come to the synagogue office anytime it is open, or ask us to mail it to you. We appreciate your help. Thank you!

Want to be a Shabbat Greeter? Contact Andrea Pass @ [emailprotected]. Want to be part of our first-ever Meal Train to deliver meals to our homebound members? Contact Evan Marcus @ [emailprotected] Want to be a Lobby Greeter on our busy Sunday mornings to help with the Religious School rush? Contact Adam Lifson @ 201-797-9629 Do you have a skill you’d like to share with the congregation? Contact me @ [emailprotected]. I’ll make it easy to share what you know with others. I am amazed at the constant action here – at all times – all ages – that keeps the building full of activity. The preschool children prance through the halls on their way to an activity, passing a group of congregants gathered for Rabbi’s Nosh and Knowledge; a group arrives to play bridge, another to talk to our staff about an upcoming simcha. Other times I can hear the Cantor singing from his office as he coaches a student. And, of course, I can always count on at least one thing in the building to need Marge’s quick fix! After four months here, having had the time known in synagogues as “after the holidays,” when we get down to the day-to-day necessary work that keeps this center working well, it’s wonderful to be part of a dedicated team that helps to provide the services a synagogue is obligated to provide for its community.

SAVE THE DATE SWEET TASTES OF TORAH VI A community night of learning presented by the North Jersey Board of Rabbis Sinai Revisited: Views from the Mountaintop We will once again be the host congregation Saturday Night February 7, 2015

Wishing you a Chag Sameach this Chanukah! B’Shalom,

Claudia 5

RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Charles Cohen KISLEV Kislev is the Babylonian name of the month that, in the Torah, is referred to simply as the Ninth Month. It consists of either 29 or 30 days; this year it is 30 days, having begun on November 23, and ending December 22. Its sign of the Zodiac is Sagittarius. The first rainbow was seen in Kislev. When the waters of the Flood ceased, G-d blessed Noah, permitted him to use meat for food, forbade him to shed human blood, made a covenant for life with him, and showed him the rainbow as an eternal covenant between Him and us. The 1st of Kislev never falls on Shabbat. On 1 Kislev a series of public fasts took place in Judea, in intercession for rain in years of drought. 3 Kislev is the anniversary of a Hasmonean victory over the Greeks. 7 Kislev marks the anniversary of the death of Herod. 21 Kislev is known as “the day of Gerizim,” commemorating the decision by Alexander the Great in favor of the Temple of Jerusalem, against the rival Samaritan claim for the Temple on Mount Gerizim. 25 Kislev begins the festival of Chanukah. From the days of the Hasmoneans, and as long as the Beit Din sanctified the months through the testimony of witnesses, messengers of the Beit Din went to places distant from Jerusalem to announce when the new month had been sanctified, so the dates of the festivals could be known. When the Beit Din sanctified the month of Kislev, messengers were sent from Jerusalem so the people would know when Chanukah would begin.

CAFÉ EUROPA CHANUKAH PARTY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16 Café Europa will hold its annual Chanukah party on Tuesday, December 16, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Pulka Room. Tuvia Zimber will entertain the audience with his repertoire of high-energy Hebrew, Yiddish and American music. Lunch will be served, and reservations are required. The phone number is 973-595-0111. The program is limited to Holocaust survivors, and is made possible by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Jewish Federation of North Jersey, and private donations.


In reflecting on the past High Holiday season, the job of assigning honors is done by committee with much care and deliberation, and generally works out well, but we regret any occasional inadvertent oversights that can occur. We are always open to your input and requests about High Holiday honors, so please make your views known to those in lay leadership before the Holidays. We will endeavor to take your input into consideration in our future deliberations. We encourage our membership to get involved, and participate in our daily and/or weekly religious services during the course of the year. We are open for daily Minyan every day of the year, summer, winter, spring and fall. Please join us as often as you can, and make us part of your regular routine. We need your support so the Minyan can maintain its viability for members who need to say Kaddish. In December we celebrate Chanukah - the "Festival of Lights" and the miracle of one day’s supply of oil lasting eight days, and the miraculous victory of a handful of outnumbered Hebrews under the leadership of Judah Maccabee. The miracle of the oil is truly G-d's doing, but the victory in battle against all odds requires the will, strength and courage of Man, with G-d's help, to attain victory So too in life, we cannot sit back and wait until a miracle happens, but we have to go forth every day in every way, to help make this imperfect world a better place, for us, for our loved ones, and for Klal Israel. As our Rabbis teach us, we are all interdependent on each other. We cannot achieve true success just "flying solo." Life is a joint endeavor; we need others, and others need us, and we all need G-d in our lives. On Friday evening, December 19, we will have a Friday evening Service with musical instrumentation. Musical Instrumentation has been very successful in the Conservative Movement in attracting more people -- especially younger people -- and we want to try it here to see if we can emulate its success. Cantor Wasser has been working on this musical instrumentation program, so please turn out on December 19 to support this initiative. May the new secular year of 2015 be one of heath and happiness, as well as peace and tranquility at home, in the world and in Eretz Yisrael. Shalom Chaverim.

Charlie Cohen

CHANUKAH According to tradition, Chanukah (dedication) was founded by Judah Maccabee, his brothers and their followers. In the days of the Second Temple, Greece was a world power. They subjugated Israel and substituted their own pagan customs, defiling the Temple and attempting to Hellenize the Jews into adopting the Greek way of life. But a small band of Jews rose up to defy them. First Maccabees states that, after defeating Lysias, Judah Maccabee entered Jerusalem and purified the Temple. The altar that had been defiled was demolished, and a new one built. Judah then made new holy vessels, including a Menorah, an altar, a table and curtains, and he set 25 Kislev as the date for the rededication of the Temple. The day coincided with the third anniversary of Antiochus Epiphanes’ edicts that idolatrous sacrifices be offered in the Temple. The rededicated altar was consecrated with the renewal of the daily sacrificial service, accompanied by song, the playing of musical instruments, and the chanting of Hallel. Because Sukkot could not be properly celebrated when the Temple was in idolatrous hands, a second Sukkot was held during the rededication of the Temple, with the taking of the lulav. But before long, the custom of taking the lulav during Chanukah was abolished. The celebrations lasted for eight days, and Judah decreed that they be designated as days of rejoicing for future generations. What had been a Temple festival evolved into a popular family celebration. Neither I nor II Maccabees mentions the kindling of lights. The first reference is in a Baraita. (A Baraita is a part of the Talmud, compiled between the times of the Mishna and the Gemara.) Another Baraita states that, on entering the Temple, the Hashmoneans found that the Greeks had defiled all the oil except for one cruse, which contained enough oil to keep the Menorah burning for only one day. Miraculously, the cruse of oil lasted for eight days. By the Middle Ages, however, the authenticity of the story of the cruse of oil was questioned.

Halacha prescribes that the Menorah be lit between “sunset and until there is no wayfarer left in the street.” It should be placed outside the entrance to the house; if that is not practical, it should be placed in a window. Two blessings are recited: one on the light, and the other for the miracle. On the first night, Shehecheyanu is added. The kindling of the lights is followed by HaNerot Hallellu. Al HaNissim is recited in the Amidah and in the Grace After Meals. Hallel is recited on each of the eight days. The Torah portion describes the sacrifices brought by the princes at the dedication of the Sanctuary and the kindling of the Menorah. There are special Haftorahs for the Sabbaths of Chanukah. Tachanun is not recited, and there may be no fasting or eulogies for the dead. It became the custom to feast on Chanukah, and, based on Midrashim which associate the story of Judith with Chanukah, cheese is customarily eaten. Latkes are popular among Ashkenazim, and in Israel donuts (sufganiyot) are customary. In some communities women do not work while the lights burn. Maoz Tzur Yeshuati (Mighty Rock of my Salvation), a hymn composed in Germany by a 13th-century poet about whom nothing is known except his name, Mordecai, is usually sung in the Ashkenazi ritual after the kindling of the lights. Sephardim recite Psalm 30. The origin of the custom to have a shamash with which the Chanukah Menorah is lit is based on two injunctions: not to kindle one Chanukah light from another, and not to use the Chanukah lights for illumination. In many communities card playing became a custom. Children play with a dreidel or sevivon, and receive gifts of Chanukah gelt. Especially in Israel, Chanukah symbolizes mainly the victory of the few over the many, and the courage of the Jews. An annual torch relay race sets out from Modi’in, where the revolt broke out, and where the Hashmoneans are buried. Huge Menorahs are kindled atop public buildings such as the Knesset in Jerusalem.

According to Beit Shammai, eight lights should be kindled on the first day, and the number decreased each day. Beit Hillel, whose practice we follow, held that one light should be kindled on the first day, and the number progressively increased.



‫ אשר קדשנּו ּבמצותיו‬.‫ ּברּוד אּתה ד" אלהנּו מלך העוֹלם‬. ‫וצונּו להדליק נר של חנּוּכה‬ Baruch Atah Adonai, Elohaynu Melech haOlam, asher kid’shanu ba’mitzvatov ve'tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Chanukah. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, Ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us with your commandments, and commanded us to kindle the lights of Chanukah.

‫ שעששה נסים לאבוֹתינּו ּבימים ההם ּבזמן הזה‬.‫ּברּוד אּתה ד" אלהנּו מלך העוֹלם‬ Baruch Atah Adonai, Elohaynu Melech haOlam, she’osoh nissim l’avotaynu ba’yamim hahem bizman hazeh. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, Ruler of the universe, who performed miracles for our ancestors in those days, at this season. On the first night only:

‫ שהחינּו וקימנּו והגיענּו לזמן הזה‬.‫ּברּוד אּתה ד" אלהנּו מלך העוֹלם‬ Baruch Atah Adonai, Elohaynu Melech haOlam, sheh’hecheyanu, v’kiyimanu, ve'higiyanu lazman hazeh. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, Ruler of the universe, Who has kept us in alive, and sustained us, and enabled us to reach this day.

CHANUKAH FIRE SAFETY When celebrating Chanukah, Fair Lawn’s Fire Marshal reminds residents not to neglect fire safety. There are increased fire hazards associated with this festival due to the presence of lit candles, and following is some simple, yet important advice to prevent a tragedy. ◊ Place the menorah on a level, fire-retardant surface. ◊ Menorah should be out of reach from children and pets. ◊ Never place a menorah near curtains, drapes, or under a combustible cabinet. ◊ A lit menorah should never be left unattended. ◊ The aforementioned also applies to Shabbos and Yahrzeit candles. ◊ Electric menorahs should not be used if wiring insulation is frayed or broken. ◊ When cooking latkes, don’t leave heated oil unattended. ◊ Keep children at a safe distance in case of splattered hot oil. ◊ If cooking oil catches fire, turn off the gas or electric range, and cover the pan with its lid, if at no risk to yourself. Never throw water or a wet towel on an oil fire, as that will cause the hot oil to splatter on you, or ignite something nearby. Call Fire Marshal Jay Bender at 201-794-5408 or [emailprotected] for further information on Chanukah fire safety.

Chag S’Meyach !


LATKES 5 medium Russet baking potatoes (peeled or not -your choice) 1 medium/large onion, grated 1 teaspoon lemon juice 4 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup matzo meal 1 - 2 teaspoons salt 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup vegetable oil for frying Peel the potatoes, if desired. Quarter them, and place in a bowl of cold water to cover. Finely grate the potatoes and the onion in a food processor using the metal blade, or by hand. Immediately sprinkle with the lemon juice to prevent the potatoes from turning dark. Empty the potato pulp into a colander set over a bowl, and squeeze out the liquid. Set the liquid aside for a few minutes to allow a starchy sediment to settle at the bottom. Carefully pour off the clear liquid, and reserve the sediment. Transfer the potato pulp to a large bowl, add the sediment, eggs, matzo meal, grated onion, eggs, salt, and pepper. Combine thoroughly. In one or two 12-inch non-stick skillets heat the oil to a depth of approximately 1/4 inch. Drop full tablespoons of potato mixture into the oil. Flatten each mound slightly, and fry in batches over medium-high heat until golden brown on both sides, 3 - 5 minutes per side. Drain the potato pancakes on paper towels, changing the towels frequently as they absorb the oil. Between batches add more oil to the skillet if needed, and make sure that it is hot enough before dropping in more potato mixture. Serve hot with sour cream or applesauce.

SUFGANIYOT DOUGH 1/2 cup warm water 5 teaspoons dry yeast 1/3 cup + a pinch of granulated sugar 1 cup warm water or milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 4 1/4 - 5 cups all-purpose flour Vegetable oil, for frying FILLING 2 cups jam or jelly at room temperature Granulated or confectioner’s sugar, for dusting In a large mixing bowl stir together the warm water, yeast, and a pinch of sugar. Allow the mixture to stand for a couple of minutes to allow the yeast to swell or dissolve. Stir in the remaining sugar, water (or milk) vanilla, eggs, oil, salt, and most of the flour to make a soft dough. Knead 5-8 minutes by hand or with a dough hook, adding more flour as needed to form a firmer dough that is smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a greased bowl; place the bowl in a plastic bag, and seal. (If not using right away, you can refrigerate the dough at this point.) Let the dough rise about 1 hour. Gently deflate it. (If refrigerated, allow it to warm up for about 40 minutes before proceeding.) Pinch off small pieces of dough and form into balls slightly larger than a golf ball. Alternatively, roll the dough out to about 3/4 inch thick. Using a 2 1/2 or 3 inch biscuit cutter, cut out rounds. Cover the donuts with a clean towel, and let sit for 20 -30 minutes. Heat about 4 inches of oil in deep fryer or heavy Dutch oven, to about 385 degrees. (To test the oil temperature fry one doughnut until it seems done; take it out and cut open to see if the inside is cooked. Then proceed with the rest.) Add the donuts 3 or 4 at a time to the hot oil, and fry until the undersides are deep brown. Try to fry at a temperature at which the oil bubbles, but is not so hot that you brown the donut before the center is cooked. Turn over once, and finish frying the other side. Total frying time will be no more than 1 1/2 to 3 minut4es. Lift the donuts out with a slotted spoon, and drain well on paper towels. To fill, make a small opening, and spoon in jam or jelly. If desired, shake the donuts lightly in a paper bag with regular or confectioner’s sugar.

Marcy Goldman - A Treasury of Jewish Holiday ‘Baking 9






Maus I by Art Spiegelman. Reviewer: Rita Jacob Retired Professor of English at Montclair State University Maus is the first graphic novel we have reviewed. Written in 1991, it depicts author Art Spiegelman interviewing his father about his experiences as a Polish Jew and Holocaust survivor. Join us for a look at a different kind of book, whose subject matter is important for us to consider. Lunch at noon, review to start about 12:40. Fees: Members $15 Non Members $18 Includes review and luncheon by prior reservation. This is the last book review for the Winter season. Watch this space for our Spring selections.

Phyllis Mirchin & Fran Westerman

We had a successful Scholar in Residence program, and I want to thank our committee, all our sponsors and attendees for all their efforts and contributions to the success of this annual event. Thank you to Rabbi and Rhonda Roth, as well as our excellent and well-received scholar, Dr. Sharon Keller. Thank you again to Rhonda and Rabbi Roth for preparing a delicious dessert reception with Dr. Keller for our Builders and Benefactors sponsors. Thank you to Adam and Heather Lifson for hosting Dr. Keller for the weekend. Yasher Koach to Howard Kessel for the preparation of our excellent Kiddush luncheon on Saturday. We had a very stimulating book review of Rabbi Glustrom's latest book, "Unfinished Journey - A Rabbi's Bout with Doubt." Rabbi Roth introduced the book, and Rabbi Joel Pitkowsky of Temple Beth Shalom presented a very comprehensive and thoughtful review. Rabbi Glustrom concluded with cogent commentary, and fielded some very pithy questions. Rabbi Glustrom's new book is available in our Max E. & Anna Bornstein Library, and is also available for purchase if you wish your own copy or to gift it. Thanks to Rabbi Ronald Roth, Rabbi Joel Pitkowsky, Rabbi Simon Glustrom, and to Norma and Irv Pollack for their invaluable assistance in coordinating the book signing . Cantor Wasser presented a very educational and interesting three-part lecture series on "Chovot HaLevat” (Duties of the Heart) which was very well received. Rabbi Roth continued his excellent ongoing monthly Chai Mitzvah series of classes. (See page 21 for dates.) Need I mention that any class one teaches is just the tip of the iceberg. As any teacher knows, many hours of study and preparation are needed before one can undertake teaching any class. So Yasher Koach to all who undertake to teach class or lecture presentations at FLJC-CBI. As I have said many times, it is never too late to learn, and now is the time to get started by attending our next FLJC-CBI Adult Education Program. As our great sage Hillel famously said, “If not now, when?”

Charlie Cohen 11


SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE . . . Nina Gold & Mark Meisel

We want to thank you for supporting us during the last few weeks of Social Action activities. Sunday, November 2nd was Mitzvah Day, and for the eighth year our synagogue hosted Supplies for Soldiers. With your generous donations we packed and shipped more than 38 boxes to American military personnel serving in Afghanistan. We thank you for supporting our troops and for your generosity. Thank you to all who were able to purchase flowers from J-ADD (the Jewish Association for Developmental Disabilities) for Thanksgiving! Not only do you get beautiful bouquets and centerpieces, but you are also helping those with disabilities have meaningful work. With your help our Thanksgiving Food Drive was a great success. The Religious School, Nursery School and many congregants brought in all types of Thanksgiving foods. The food drive supported the general community (Center for Food Action and Fair Lawn Human Services) and families supported by Jewish Family Services (JFS). Thank you for your donations of food that made many families’ Thanksgiving even more joyous. Through Sunday, December 14th we will be collecting for the Emergency Supply Packages (ESP) for those in need in our community, especially the elderly. We are creating 50 winter emergency supply packages for Meals on Wheels recipients and others supported by Jewish Family Services in our community. During the winter, inclement weather can make it impossible for them to receive their needed delivery of food. We will give each of them a bag of emergency provisions for those times. Many of the recipients are Holocaust survivors and/or depend on Meals on Wheels for their daily sustenance. Remember: You don’t need ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) to provide an ESP (Emergency Supply Package). There are three ways to help: □ Simply take the list on the adjoining page to your local supermarket and bring the items in a paper shopping bag to the synagogue. Place in bin in the lobby. □ Sponsor a package for $18.00 each. Please send your donation to the Fair Lawn Jewish Center with a note specifying ESP Project.

Please contact Ilene Laufer with any questions at [emailprotected]. Thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness. The Bergen County Chanukah Toy Drive donations go to children at many local organizations including Tomorrow’s Children Institute/Hackensack Hospital, Jewish Family Services, Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County, Project Ezrah, JADD group homes, Bikur Cholim, Bris Avrohom, Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, Ohel Children’s Home, Sharsheret, OTSAR, Chai Lifeline, Shelter Our Sisters, and Emunah/Israel. What we are collecting: New, unwrapped toys and gifts for children and teens -- board games, sports equipment, make-up sets, purses, costume jewelry, dolls, etc. Where: Fair Lawn Jewish Center/CBI lobby drop off box When: From now until December 21st 2014 We look forward to more FLJC-CBI members becoming actively involved with our existing social action projects and bringing new ideas as well. Come help others and have fun at the same time!!

Nina Gold


Mark Meisel

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! The Social Action Committee Is looking for more help with the important mitzvah of Bikur Holim (visting the sick). We only need people to volunteer to visit 2 - 3 times a year. So PLEASE contact Mark Meisel or Nina Gold if you are able to help out with this or any other chesed project.

□ If you can help to deliver packages on or shortly after December 21st please let us know.



SISTERHOOD Leslie Frucht We hope you will join is in December and January for the many programs we are offering. There is sure to be something of interest for everyone. Klezmer Concert –all female klezmer group, the Isle of Klezbos – December 6th Doors open at 7:30. We will be having a Havdalah ceremony at 7:45 pm, and the concert begins at 8:00 pm. Cost: $36/ticket in advance, $40/ticket at the door; Sponsorships available for $125 ~ two tickets included. Payment Options: □ Check made out to FLJC Sisterhood, mailed to FLJC, attention Sisterhood Concert; □ Email [emailprotected] to reserve your spot and bring check/cash to concert; □ Call FLJC office at 201.796.5040 to reserve your spot, and bring check/cash to concert; □ Checks/cash at the door (remember the price changes at the door) For more information about Isle of Klezbos, go to www.klezbos.com . Hanukkah Hagigah – Celebrate Hanukkah with the Sisterhood and the FLJC Hebrew School, Nursery School and Kindergarten – December 21st Vodka & Latkes – December 22nd Sisterhood Shabbat – January 17th – If you would like to participate please email [emailprotected]. Otherwise please join us for Shabbat Services run completely by members of the Sisterhood. If you would like more information on any of the programs I mentioned you can phone the Center office or you can email me at [emailprotected]. Like us on Facebook – go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/FLJCCBISisterhood/304727509729536 Happy Hanukkah & Happy New Year 2015!

Purim Carnival Planning Meetings December 7th at 9 am January 11 at 9 am February 2nd at 730 pm


Carol Aig Linda Ayes Robin Baer Rachelle Baltin Muriel Barker Beverly Beer Anne Benlisa Ida Borer Anita Brunn Jennifer Cohen Rachelle Danto Ed Davidson Sara Egerman Cecile Feingold Bonnie Ford Flora Frank Joe Freedland Fran Freidman Ruth Fridberg Sharon Friess Leslie Frucht Lora Geftic Eudice Gersten Sally Glazer Nina Gold Gwendolyn Goldenberg Bertha Goldman Beatrice Goldstein Ann Golick-Sokol Rosalyn Goodman Lillian Gotlib Marlaine Gruber Natalie Haar Judith Halpern Sherry Hans Arline Herman Linda Herrmann Carol Hirsh Gladys Jacobs Tamar Joffe Elayne Kalina Gerda Kassner Sarah Keinman Betsy Kerner Gerry Kessel Fran Kessler Natalie Klein Sylvia Krauss Ilene Laufer Ann Lefkowitz Gilda Liberman

Geri Lipschitz Anita Loeb Cheryl Lubin Suzanne Mahler Judy Margolis Jen Mendelsohn Phyllis Mirchin Rona Montag Ira Mordkowitz Esther Oster Donna Pasternak Randi Paul-Heskins Carol Peligal Adrienne Peloso Beth Perlman Judi Pitkowsky Norma Pollack Rhoda Pollack Sophie Richman Myra Rosenblatt Sadie Rosenblatt Loren Rosenthal Rhonda Roth Esther Rubinstein Edith Rudell June Salzman Jean Sanders Rachel Scheff Olivia Schoenberger Sharon Schwartz Eileen Schwimmer Rosa Sirota Sonia Sklaver Barbara Steinberg Sonia Susman Ellen Teitelbaum Florence Thaler Annette Wallen Freida Wallstein Joyce Wallstein Pearl Weinberg Ellie Weiner Mildred Weiss Ellen Wertheim Fran Westerman Joanne Wisch Paulette Wolff Paula Yarkoni Roni Zerowin Marianne Zwanger



MEN’S PROGRESS CLUB . . . Seth Seigel-Laddy It has been wonderfully busy these past weeks with so much going on in and around the Jewish Center! Thank you to everyone who came out for our Fall Poker Tournament on Thursday, November 13th, and congratulations again to our winners, Larry Bach, David Lauchheimer and Stu Herrmann! We very much appreciate the continued outpouring of support for our annual Hanukkah Candle program. With your help we packed and distributed candles to our entire FLJC/CBI membership. Through your contributions we are able to continue our annual donation to the North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry for all the good work they are doing in Ethiopia and Israel.

Remember that your MPC dues and donations contribute directly to the programming we offer, and we want to hear what you would be interesting in seeing from your MPC. Please let us know by emailing us at [emailprotected]! We have a welcoming Winter of exciting events! Come be a part of it; we need your energy! Warm regards,

~~Seth S-L~~

Of course we have more in store for you! PLAY BALL!!! The Men’s Progress Club presents our first Health & Wellness Event! BASKETBALL, in OUR GYM! Saturday, December 20th, 7-10pm. Come down and play, or come down to schmooze…. We’ll have a different sports-themed event each month! Water and healthy snacks will be available for purchase. For more information, contact Neil Garfinkle at [emailprotected] or 201) 458-3267. As we all have enjoyed for so many years, the MPC will be joining our Sisterhood in supporting our Religious School's Hanukkah Hagigah on Sunday morning, December 21st. We need volunteers to help in the kitchen with set up and serving! Please contact Neil Garfinkle if you are willing and able, at [emailprotected] or (201) 458-3267. On Sunday, January 4th, at 9:45am, we will hold our Annual Big Breakfast & General Meeting. Several members of our Executive Board will report on their activities and responsibilities, and at some point we will open up the floor for general discussion. Also at the General Meeting, an opportunity will be given to any member of the Club who wishes to be considered for a Board position for the upcoming year. Lastly, we will serve breakfast - a BIG BREAKFAST - at the meeting, so please come and join us. This event is only open to MPC members - you can join on the day of the event if you haven't yet. As a reminder, the Larry Goodman/Men’s Progress Club Birthright Program continues to offer a $250 grant to those children and grandchildren of MPC members who participate in Birthright Israel! This generous gift is easy to qualify and apply for. For more information just reach out us at [emailprotected], or see our flyer on page 18.






College Student and Young Adult


‫מזל טוב לּבר מצוה‬

Bagel Brunch

JACOB BREITKOPF December 13, 2014 21 Kislev 5775 Parsha: Vayeshev As Jacob ascends the bima as a bar mitzvah he will share his simcha with his parents, Andrea and Stuart. All college students and young adults are invited to a brunch hosted by Rabbi Ronald & Rhonda Roth Thursday, December 25th, at 11:00 am at their home, 9-04 Alexander Avenue. Please attend to eat, schmooze and see your friends. After all, what else are you doing on the 25th? We look forward to seeing you. Please RSVP either to [emailprotected] or 201 796-5040.

FAMILY MATTERS REFUAH SH’LEMAH ♥ All good wishes to Sophie Richman as she continues to recuperate at home from a bad fall. MAZEL TOV!


♥ Mazel Tov to David & Sheryl Lauchheimer on the marriage of their son, Barry to Nina. ♥ Mazel Tov to Jerry Weiner on becoming of Knight of the Golden Spur in the Knights of Pythias.

Teens & Jeans is an informal discussion group for Post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah teens and their friends. All 8th-12th graders are welcome -synagogue membership is not required. Save the following dates for 2014 - 2015 Teens & Jeans! December 21 January 11 March 15 May 17 Watch your mail for more information. No charge; includes pizza dinner and make your own sundaes! For more information please contact Carol Marcus, [emailprotected]


♥ Mazel Tov to Ann & Herb Lefkowitz on the birth of their twin grandchildren, Isaac Paul and Isabella Beth. ♥ Mazel Tov to Beverly & Irving Beer on the marriage of their granddaughter. ♥ Mazel Tov to Marion & Rene Herrmann on the marriage of their granddaughter. MAY YOU BE COMFORTED ● We’re sorry to inform you of the loss of our member Jack Pollack, truly a gentle man. ● Our condolences to Sandra Rosenthal on the passing of her husband, Leonard Rosenthal. ● Our sympathy to Ilene & Saul Musikant on the loss of Saul’s brother, Milton Musikant.

THE HOWARD & JOSHUA HERMAN EDUCATION CENTER . . . Judy Gutin What’s new in the Religious School? Family Shabbat Celebrations December 5 & 6! Shabbat Dinner for all grades Friday night, December 5 • Bring the whole family-let’s celebrate Shabbat together! • Gimmel/Zayin will lead traditional rituals at our Shabbat table. • Fresh baked challah and ritual objects crafted by our students. • Kabbalat Shabbat family prayer service before dinner. • Shabbat game corner for children. Deadline to Register: Wednesday, December 3! A New Experience! Shabbat School for all grades December 6! (School is closed Sunday, December 7) • Shabbat School is for all students. • Parents are invited to join us and participate. • 9:30 Class begins for all students, plus a special session for parents with Rabbi Roth. • 10:15 Our child-friendly Torah service begins in the auditorium. • 11:40 We join the main sanctuary. • Gimmel class receives their Siddurim. • Students help Cantor Wasser with the closing prayers. Kabbalat HaSiddurim: Gimmel Class Celebration Shabbat, December 6! The crown of a good name! Thanks to Morah Naomi Linder, our Gimmel students are prepared to receive their Siddurim in a special ceremony on the Bima at the end of services in the main sanctuary, Shabbat morning December 6! Mazel Tov to our Gimmel students on reaching such an important moment in their Jewish education. Our Gimmel students are equipped with a strong knowledge of Hebrew reading and familiarity with many prayers. They have also learned the importance of names in our Jewish link to tradition and family. Through a special rotating picture cube, each child will have the opportunity to share with the congregation why their name is so special. Mazel Tov to our Gimmel students and families! Abraham Ansonoff Brooke Snyder Jacob Reiffe Jenna Walker Jonathan Murray Leonora Kleinman Sasha Gold

students face to face to explore the inner meaning of Chanukah. After a bagel breakfast, our students will go on line for their regularly-scheduled session with their teachers in Israel. Last month our students participated in a trip to the Museum of Jewish Heritage together. Utilizing the internet, they continue to enrich their Holocaust studies with new views and perspectives. Chanukah Candle Lighting, First Night Tuesday December 16! Each class will be celebrating the first night of Chanukah together in their classrooms with lighting a class Chanukiyah, singing the blessings together, and enjoying some educational Chanukah games and refreshments while the candles burn. We will gather as a school to experience unique musical arrangements through Youtube, utilizing our Smart Board, then daven together, including the special prayers for the festival of Chanukah. Kindergarten & 1st Grade Open House Celebrating Chanukah Sunday, December 21 “Let’s Make Latkes” 9:15 - 10:45am Morah Aliza and Morah Carmelle welcome all perspective kindergarten and first grade students to help make latkes for Chanukah in class. Experience the fun of grating potatoes while learning the Chanukah story, with emphasis on the importance of oil, and why we eat latkes and jelly donuts. All new families are welcome. Be sure to register for the event in the school office. Chanukah Chagigah Sunday, December 21 All families are invited to the synagogue Chanukah Chagigah, sponsored by the Sisterhood. A big thank you to the Sisterhood, and, in particular, to the event coordinators, Christina Finkel and Rachelle Danto for all their creative planning to ensure an enjoyable celebration for all ages. Thanks to the Men’s Progress Club, we will be treated to latkes and refreshments. Be sure and join your children for this fun program. ‫צדקה‬: Making “Change” Happen From Chanukah to Purim Our students will kick off this year’s Tzedakah campaign with the incentive of making a “change” in the lives of Jewish children attending the special needs program of Camp Ramah. All change collected during the time period between holidays will be donated to the Purim Run collection, ensuring the success of the drive. We are honored to contribute to such a worthwhile cause. Have a happy Festival of Lights, and may there be peace in Israel,

Zayin Class @ JCCP for special day of learning December 14 Our 7th graders will be joining the students at the Jewish Community Center of Paramus for a morning of learning, growing and exploration. Smadar Goldstein, the Director of Jets Israel, our on-line school, will be meeting with the

‫חג אורים שמח‬

Judy Gutin 23


SHIRLEY & PAUL PINTEL PRESCHOOL Carol Weber December is a very exciting month for the Preschool. We are rededicating our Preschool classrooms, and we are having our annual “Light Up the Holidays with Books” Scholastic book fair. Our book fair is a fundraiser for the Preschool, a great way to promote literacy, and a wonderful way to shop for Chanukah gifts. You can never have too many books; buy one for each night of Chanukah. The fair will be held from Monday, December 8th to Monday, December 15th. The times to shop will be posted in the lobby and on fliers. It will also be a good way to come up and see our beautiful new Preschool classrooms! Yes, we are finally finished with the Preschool renovation! All the furniture is installed, shades are in place, and bulletin boards are hung, ready to display the children’s beautiful projects. We are rededicating our Preschool classrooms with a special Chanukah celebration on Sunday, December 7th. We will have a ceremony to bless new mezuzahs for the Preschool doors, and have a ribbon-cutting ceremony to signify a new beginning for the Preschool. What kind of celebration would it be without music and food! Lou Gallo will be there to lead the guests in song, and we will have a yummy brunch for all to enjoy! I ask one favor . . . please daven that there will be no snow on that day!!!!!!!!!!! Just a reminder: we have ongoing registration, so please spread the word about our amazing new Preschool rooms and innovative curriculum. The families of the Preschool are the future of FLJC!

Carol Weber

UPCOMING EVENTS FOR FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN All events are open to anyone! Bring friends and make friends

Saturday, December 6 10:30 AM Tot Shabbat Fun, family celebration of Shabbat with stories, singing, movement and a snack. Rabbi Roth reads a story and blesses the children. This is the same weekend as Shabbat Family School. Monday, December 8 - Monday, December 15 Scholastic Book Fair: “Light Up Your Holiday With Books” A fundraiser for our Preschool, and a great place to buy Chanukah and birthday gifts for the whole year. Sunday, December 21 11:00 AM Hanukah Hagigah Join this program sponsored by Sisterhood for a fun community celebration of the holiday. Friday, January 16 5:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Join the Cantor on the bima for a story, singing and blessings to start Shabbat. Take home a goodie bag! Find the latest+ on all our events at fljc.com/community/families-with-young-children Questions or comments? Write [emailprotected]


DID YOU KNOW THAT: If you or someone you know from the shul is in the hospital, or home bound, and would like a visit or a phone call from a member of the shul, please contact Nina Gold, Mark Meisel, or Synagogue Administrator Claudia Judelman. Also, if you would like a Shabbat meal upon release from the hospital, let us know, and the Social Action Committee will be happy to deliver it to you!




In memory of Elaine Hochman Sheila & Myron Linderman

Merryl Ehrich In memory of your beloved Marian & Leonard mother, June Kaufmann Loren Rosenthal & Family In memory of your beloved mother, Esther Habbaz Marian Kaufmann Scott & Jackie Kauff In memory of your beloved mother, Esther Morton Kaplan & Family Cheryl & Terry Lubin In memory of your beloved wife and mother, Florence The Lauchheimer Family Ruth Fridberg In honor of Barry’s marriage to Nina. Mazel Ellie & Jerry Weiner Tov In memory of your beloved Loren Rosenthal brother-in-law, Jim Peggy Wesley FINDLING / ROSNER ZMIGROD SOCIETY Ellie & Jerry Weiner Religious School In memory of your beloved Holocaust Trips brother-in-law, Jim Mae Fleischauer Merryl Ehrich In memory of your beloved Cantor Eric Wasser mother, June Many thanks for your help Bena & Steven Weil in tutoring me on Torah reading Michael Gutwetter Stanley Sanders In memory of your beloved father Ellen Wertheim Zvia & Stuart Herrmann Many thanks for your help in tutoring me on Torah David Gutwetter reading In memory of your beloved Stanley Sanders father Zvia & Stuart Herrmann GERSTEN FUND

Robin & Yaron Karl In honor of your marriage Sydelle Singer

Adrienne & Don Peloso In honor of Brooke’s and Will’s wedding. Mazel Tov Bena & Steven Weil

Gilda Winters In honor of Robin and Yaron’s marriage Sydelle Singer


Cantor Wasser Thank you for being a great mentor to “The Boy(s)” The Randman Family

Mollie & Herbert Goodman In honor of the birth of your great-grandson Selma Herman Mr. & Mrs. Jay Hochman 28

Repairs to Synagogue Objects

Sheryl & David Lauchheimer In honor of Barry and Nina’s marriage. Mazel Tov Bena & Steven Weil


FUND Religious School Scholarships

Beverly & Irving Beer In honor of your granddaughter Alison’s wedding Sonia & Irving Sklaver

In honor of Noah’s Bar Mitzvah Fran Kessler ROBERT LAZEROWITZ FUND Youth Activities

Marian Kaufmann Dr. Gary Garbus In memory of your beloved In memory of your beloved mother, Esther mother, Molly Adrienne & Don Peloso Stacey & Ritchard Rosen LIBRARY FUND Marilyn & Bernie Yamner Thank you for your High Beverly & Irving Beer Holiday kindness In honor of your grandArline Herman daughter’s marriage Millie Weiss Rabbi Ronald Roth For a beautiful, inspiring Delores Kronemer and uplifting service during Best wishes for a complete the High Holidays and speedy recovery Arline Herman Phyllis Mirchin Carol & Howard Siegler Mazel Tov on your grandson Max’s Bar Mitzvah Julie LaPoff

Hilda Levine In honor of your granddaughter’s wedding Phyllis Mirchin

Cantor Eric Wasser For a beautiful, inspiring and uplifting service during the High Holidays Arline Herman

Stanley Rosenhaus Welcome back! Norma & Irving Pollack


Hannah Wolf In fond memory of Alex, with our deepest sympathy Norma & Irving Pollack

Lois & Michael Silverman RELIGIOUS SCHOOL With much love, happiness FUND and health on your 40th anniversary, to our best The Randman Family friends forever! In honor of Noah’s Bar Ilene & Saul Musikant Mitzvah. Mazel Tov Ellie & Jerry Weiner BUD KESSLER FUND Phil Steinberg Noah Randman Best wishes for a complete In honor of your fabulous and speedy recovery performance on becoming Ellie & Jerry Weiner a Bar Mitzvah Fran Kessler

Elyssa & Gary Randman



In honor of the marriage of In honor of all your your son. Mazel Tov attention and concern Gerda Rothschild during my illness. Thank Dr. Sam Cassell you for your kindness. Sincere condolences on Abe Peck Miriam Walter the loss of your sister, LeMazel Tov on your wellnore Rabbi Simon deserved honor as Chatan Rabbi Ronald Roth Esther Oster & Helen Glustrom Torah Thank you for being there In honor of Jonah’s Judi & Jerry Pitkowsky for my mom Morton Kaplan wedding. Mazel Tov! Lynne & Richard Cohen In memory of your beloved Ann & Herb Lefkowitz Abe Peck wife, Florence Congratulations and best Rabbi Ronald Roth Michael Edelman Marion & Rene Herrmann wishes on your honor Thank you for your support In honor of your Gerda Rothschild during our extremely Abe Peck granddaughter’s marriage. difficult period In honor of being Chatan Mazel Tov Abraham Peck Ann Golick & Bob Sokol Torah. Mazel Tov Gerda Rothschild In honor of your honor of Esther Oster Chatan Torah. A hearty Ellie & Jerry Weiner Natalie Klein Yasher Koach In memory of your beloved Bruce ben Perla Glad you’re feeling well Sonia & Irving Sklaver brother-in-law, James Best wishes for a complete Ann & Herb Lefkowitz Ann & Herb Lefkowitz and speedy recovery Gary & Elyssa Randman Velvel ben Perla Marion Kaufmann In honor of your honor of Gilda Winters Best wishes for a complete & Family Chatanei Maftir. A hearty In honor of Robin’s and speedy recovery In memory of your beloved Yasher Koach marriage to Yaron. Mazel Rhoda Pollack mother and grandmother, Sonia & Irving Sklaver Tov Esther Ann & Herb Lefkowitz JEFFREY MARK YAGO- Lois, Mark, Samuel Gary & Elyssa Randman DA FUND & Jordana Meisel Mazel Tov on being Linda Winikoff Adult Education Programs Chatanei Maftir and NoIn memory of your beloved Marion Kaufmann ah’s Bar Mitzvah mother, Marcia Barbara Bressler In memory of your beloved Judi & Jerry Pitkowsky Ann & Herb Lefkowitz & Alan Sherman mother In memory of your beloved Judi & Jerry Pitkowsky The Remnick Family THALER SCHOLARSHIP mother and grandmother, In memory of your beloved FUND Rita Sherman Camp Ramah Scholarships Marian Kaufmann husband, father and Ella Yagoda & Family In memory of your beloved grandfather, Herbert Carol Peligal mother, Esther Habbaz Phyllis Mirchin RABBI’S TZEDAKAH To a Woman of Valor, Michelle & John FUND happy birthday Windmueller Sandra Rosenthal In memory of your beloved Florence Thaler Sigi Ansbacher Pam Kuriloff & Family husband, Leonard In honor of your The Remnick Family In memory of your beloved Anita & Harry Loeb granddaughter’s marriage mother and grandmother, In memory of Dr. Herbert Gerda Rothschild Remnick Helen Sandra Rosenthal Paulette Wolff Lois, Mark, Samuel & Family Dr. Sam Cassell & Jordana Meisel In memory of your beloved In memory of your beloved YAHRZEIT FUND husband, father and sister The Kaplan Family grandfather, Leonard Judi & Jerry Pitkowsky Isaac Alperstein In memory of your beloved Ellie & Jerry Weiner Alperstein Family wife, Florence & family Dr. Sam Cassell Marcia & Bob Atlas In memory of your beloved Frida Abkin Rabbi Ronald Roth sister, Lenore Adam & Heather Lifson Thank you for everything! Lazar Abkin Sonia & Irving Sklaver Michael Abkin In honor of your honor of The Randman Family Chatanei Beresh*t. A Hannah Aminoff hearty Yasher Koach Susan & Benjamin AmiSonia & Irving Sklaver noff Ann Golick & Family Alex Baskind The Lauchheimer Family Rabbi Ronald Roth Chapel Minyan

In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Shirley Lois, Mark, Samuel & Jordana Meisel


Gary Baskind

Sheila & Myron Linderman

Charles Baltin Shelly & Steven Baltin Julius Yudkovitz Leah Yudkovitz Tessie Carsman Debra Bennett

Leon Feigenbaum Martin Lasus & Joan Kaiser Lasus Louis Abrams Judy Marcus

Robert Canaan Harvey Canaan

Gustav Malzberg Stephen Malzberg

Celia Deutsch Samuel Deutsch

Ida Zisblatt Phyllis Mirchin

Hilel Dancz Paul Dancz

Samuel Lasofsky Myrna Piekarsky

Michael Friedman Mary Friedman

Stanley Reiman Doris Reiman

Bessie Friedman Meyer Friedman

Tilde Kahn Marion Raindorf

Lucie Forst Ruth Fridberg

David Dorogi Ann & George Rasko

David Fecher Ronald Fecher

Rose Rubinoff Craig H. Rubinoff

Hershel Greenbaum Hava Greenbaum Chaya Greenbaum Arie Greenbaum

Mildred Liebowitz Linda Rosen

Barney Haimowitz Roslyn Geschwind Sidney H. Joffe Samuel Blumrosen Tamar & Jack Joffe Jacob Zarco Esther Kramer

Alfred Taplits Steven Taplits Fanya Buchman Michael Vorobyox Max Gert Eva Wolosin Ilene & Sam Wolosin Morris Wolff Paulette Wolff Lena Wolfson Florence Wolfson Abram Manketo Rose Manketo Max Weiss William Weiss Jeffrey Yagoda Ella Yagoda Ephraim Fine Roni & Jeff Zerowin Harry Epstein Edith & Gordon Zimmerman

YIZKOR FUND Diana & Morris Torchinsky Lucille Rose Rosenblum Miriam & Joseph Cohen Carolyn Shenberg Michael Cohen Rachel Cohen Mollie & Nat Sprechman Rivka Cohen Lewis Sprechman Irving Cohen Ethel P. Sanders Stanley Sanders Sol Seltzer Roberta & Fred Seltzer

Solomon Linderman

Vera Selman

Jerome Selman

Hy Farber Dr. Morton Haber Rose Haber Tobias Haber Barbara Schindel Beulah Schindel Yetta Farber Esther Greenbaum

Eva Greenbaum Arie Greenbaum Irving Herman Julia & Benjamin Ehrlich Elaine Pavon Selma Herman Hilda & Alex Kirschenbaum Hanna & Erwin Russ Jeff Einhorn Ruth & Harold Kirschenbaum Clare Green Golda & Menashe Weisler Deborah & Avram Grunberg Rose Frumkin & Heinz Pasternak Martha Frumkin & Joseph Fleischmann Leontine & Benedikt Pasternak Chaya & Lazer Katz Lica Avram Lionel Reifer Donna Pasternak Helen Peck Abe Peck Sklaver/Kritzmar Families Sonia & Irving Sklaver Ralph Weinberg Ida Weinberg Morris Weinberg Rose Weinberg Samuel Weinberg Sol Weinberg Joseph Warszniter Allen Warszniter







[PDF] HAPPY CHANUKAH N E W S & V I E W S ח ד ש ו ת ו ה ש ק פ ו ת DECEMBER 2014 FAIR LAWN JEWISH CENTER / CONG. BNAI ISRAEL - Free Download PDF (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.