If you are looking for a safe but effective remedy against parasitic worms, pumpkin seeds are worth trying.
Pumpkin seeds, with or without their husks, contain cucurbitacin, which helps dispel human and animal parasites and prevent worm infection.
And if you believe this article is not for you… it’s because you are not aware of parasite symptoms. You can find them here.
According to theCDC,nearly60 million Americans are hosts to parasites, with many remaining blissfully unaware of their presence.
These unwelcome intruders can cause various health problems, from internalto neurological.
How Pumpkin Seeds Eliminate Parasites
Pumpkin seeds are the seeds of cultivated winter squash from the genus Cucurbita. Interestingly, pumpkin is referred to as a vegetable, but botanists consider it a fruit.
Pumpkin seeds have been used in herbal medicine for centuries. It can boost the good gut bacteria and improve digestive function. Pumpkin seeds may also decrease the risk of kidney stone formation and alleviate prostate inflammation.
The most notable use of pumpkin seeds in alternative medicine is its effective anthelmintic activity. Its amino acid cucurbitacin is toxic to insects and parasites. When ingested, pumpkin seeds can paralyze many intestinal worms and remove them through excretion.
Pumpkin seeds are rich in fiber which helps evacuate and flush parasites from the GI tract. Its immune-building nutrients also build the body’s defenses against infections to ward off pathogens, including parasites, from the system.
Best Use of Pumpkin Seed for Parasites
Pumpkin seed, by itself, is effective in managing worm infections. It may also be used as an addition to other deworming herbs and therapies.
Here are some of the deworming methods that use pumpkin seeds.
Pumpkin Seed Decoction
Boiling and simmering pumpkin seeds for 15 to 20 minutes extract their anthelmintic properties. It is a simple, traditional therapy that may significantly reduce the number of parasites in the intestine.
Several studies further explored the deworming capability and effectiveness of pumpkin seeds when paired with other nuts, plants, and herbs.
Pumpkin Decoction and Honey
According to a scientific report published in January 2024, pumpkin seed decoction can promote expulsion of Trichinella spiralis. Trichinella spiralis is a nematode parasite in raw and undercooked meat which causes the disease trichinosis.
The study was performed on animal models. It showed a significant reduction in the recovery rate of adult worms. Pumpkin fortified with honey produces results that are almost similar to albendazole.
Pumpkin Seed Extract
The seeds – whether as a hot water extract, cold water extract, or ethanol extract – have nematocidal potential. In-vivo and in-vitro studies conducted on pumpkin seed extracts identified the inhibitory properties of Curcubita against H. bakeri larvae.
Results of the studies suggested the possibility of pumpkin seed extract as a novel drug against nematode infection.
Pumpkin Seeds and Areca Nuts
Extracts from pumpkin seeds and areca nuts (Areca catechu) have a synergistic effect that may effectively counter tapeworm infection. The curative effect of these plant extracts is highly effective against Taeniasis according to a study conducted in the Tibetan community in Sichuan, China.
Pumpkin seed or areca nut extract alone is effective against Taeniasis. A combination of both has a better effect in eliminating intact adult tapeworms.
Pumpkin Seeds and Castor Oil
Ground pumpkin seeds, often taken with honey and milk, are also used as a traditional dewormer. It is followed by castor oil two hours after consumption to purge the paralyzed worms effectively.
Taking ground pumpkin seeds after medical treatment is one way of preventing its recurrence.
Pumpkin Seed Powder
Non-salted and non-roasted dried pumpkin seeds can be blended into natural juices like carrots or apples. It may help extricate and flush worms from the body, cleanse the colon, and manage worm infection.
Pumpkin Seed and Cascara Sagrada
A therapy using pumpkin seeds and cascara sagrada may efficiently and effectively manage a worm infection. Cascara sagrada is a powerful laxative that flushes the paralyzed worms and eggs from the human body.
Pumpkin Seeds and Garlic
Raw garlic is also a potent, traditional dewormer that can effectively destroy hookworms, pinworms, and roundworms. It may kill existing worms and inhibit egg and larvae production. Pumpkin seeds are more effective on adult worms for overall intestine cleansing.
Effective Worm Therapy
Proper hygiene and a healthy and balanced diet are key to preventing worm infection. A healthy meal strengthens the body’s defenses and boosts the production of digestive enzymes, preventing the growth of parasites and other pathogens.
A healthy gut microbiome becomes inhospitable for parasites to develop and thrive. More studies are needed to evaluate the interaction of gut parasitome with the host and how it affects human health.
Here’s a step on how to successfully cleanse parasitic worms from the body using pumpkin seeds:
1. Starve the Parasite
It is believed that parasites eat whenever their host eats. Thus, fasting may seem like a good way of starving them. However, the process may not be very effective at all. Depriving yourself of food will weaken not only the parasites but also your body’s defenses.
However, there are foods that worms find unappealing such as beets, carrots, probiotics, and high-fiber foods. A sugar-free diet is also effective in starving intestinal worms.
2. Eat Bland Food
Eat a healthy and balanced diet low in refined sugars one to two days before the cleansing. Stay away from starchy food and sweet fruits to reduce dietary sugar intake. Go for vegetables, lentils, quinoa, and foods with insoluble fiber.
Eat more garlic, onion, and pickles to temporarily starve the intestinal parasites.
3. Purge the Parasite
On the day of purging, drink an herbal laxative like cascara sagrada to improve the peristaltic movement of the intestine. Good motility will easily remove parasites and the bowel in the system.
4. Take Pumpkin Seeds
Consume pumpkin seeds either as a decoction or combined with other anthelmintic herbs. You may use the pumpkin seed-honey recipe provided below this section, which should be taken in two doses and several hours apart.
Include pumpkin seeds in your snacks as an effective prevention of parasite infection.
5. Flush
Take another herbal laxative tea before bedtime to expel the worms rapidly. Do not drink coffee for up to three days after the parasite cleansing to avoid waking the worms. Continue a bland diet and avoid sugary and processed foods to prevent reinfection.
Pumpkin Seed-Honey Antiparasitic Recipe
- ½ cup dried pumpkin seeds (non-salted, non-roasted)
- Honey
- Balanced Gut Tincture(20 drops/cup for prevention and 40 drops/cup if you have parasite symptoms)
- Grind pumpkin seeds into a powder.
- Take 1 tablespoon of the pumpkin seed powder.
- Mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey to make a paste.
To use
Take the pumpkin seed-honey paste on the day of parasite cleansing on an empty stomach after drinking a laxative. Take another serving after several hours.
Children may take this recipe but do not use laxatives such as cascara sagrada. Cascara sagrada is very potent and may cause dehydration. Instead, kids could take it with apple juice, prune juice, or carrot juice.
The Easy Alternative
However, if you don’t have the time, the tools, or the place where you can source your ingredients, you can purchase the Gut-Regenerating Blend, designed to repair the damage caused by parasites and aid your body in fighting them. You can get ithere. It’s made by one of America’s top herbalists, and all the herbs in it are either wild-harvested or organically grown – which not a lot of supplements can claim!
The gut-regenerating blend might just become one of the most sought-after remedies once a crisis strikes, pharmacies get looted, and hospitals overcrowded.
Finally, if you’ve ever grabbed a doorknob, played with your pet, or walked barefoot in the grass, there’s a good chance you may have parasites inside you! These parasites could be contributing to your health issues.
I figured out how to get rid of any worms hanging around in my body with super simple recipes that take just 5 minutes to whip up at home. All-natural, too—no harsh chemicals, just herbs that take care of those sneaky parasites. I finally came across this awesome recipe book for herbal remedies, and it’s been a game-changer for all the little health worries I used to have.
It’s called The Forgotten Home Apothecary, and here are a few other recipes I’ve tried:
- Nature’s Amoxicillin
- Painkiller in a Jar
- Medicinal Herbal Smoking Blend
- Jello Flu Shots
- Migraine Syrup
- Grandma’s Hot Salve for Back Pain
- Penicillin Soup
- Herbal Sleeping Pills
… those are just a few of the 250 remedies you can find HERE.
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