Concordia Daylight from Concordia, Kansas (2024)

j'B 8 1 THE MARKETS. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. KANSAS STATE NEWS. No Reward Offered. "What do they mean by 'Virtue has of Thl Important to All the Beaders its own "Mend it GRAIN MARKETS Paper.

Immense Cattle Shipments to Kansas "I suppose they mean its no use ad HOW SCIENTIFIC WAR WILL BE We have decided to extend time to vertising when its lost." New York The Fredonia Citizen, which keeps Journal. posted about the movements of Western cattlemen, says the boundary lines )f Kansas now form an immense cor- January 15th, '97, that we will send to every reader of this paper pre-paid one 25c bottle of 5 drops for 10c. Large YOU WANT A FARM and we have. 50 miles west of Houston, at CHESTERVILLE. within which are quartered mill- CONDUCTED FIFTY YEARS HENCE.

bottles (300 doses), $1.00. ons of estern cattle. At least seven 6 drops Is not sold by druggists. On ly by us and our agents. At the Theater.

Her hat was large, but joyous truth! Ke venire, was waiting1 there; lit'fore her sat a football youth With a head of flaunting1 hair. Washington Star. Two Little Poets. "I'll make a vocm," said Rosalie Hell: Me make one, too," said sober-eyed Nell. SoHoa brought paper, and pens, and Ink, And thov sat lie in down to think, think, think.

Hut they thought so long and they thought so deep. That Nurse Adele found them fast asleep. Kinma C. Down In Youth's Companion. A President on Urandy for Sickness.

The I'reaictont of Ih3 Baltimore Mortleal Colluite, whu him ujuljr tested Spoors wines uud britmiy, wiyi; I am irt-iiarod to bear taMlmonr to th9 viiluo of Climax Hrnwlr as a pun and valuable arilnle In all raifs oldlseitiw In which a reliable uliutilunl -quirett. 1 roKurd It Huporior t- moil r'ri'lioh Iti-iimltex. Hakvky L. liviin. M.

rivsiclenl. 1'rofpSMor of Obstorrl au.i OU-eus of Women aud lullilreu. lialtimuro Medl-tai CoileKO. jf the Western states and territories save sent their share to swell the immense herd, and for probably the first si This wonderful curative gives al lime in her history Kansas is this year Kansas Crrr, Ma. Dec 29.

There was a fair demand for wheat here to-day at steady prices. Some holders tried to get higher prices, but did not succeed. Offerings were not large for three day's accumulations, l'he demand was chiefly from elevator men. Hard Wheat No. 2.

79c; No. 3, 75c; No. 4. B9c; rejected, 00c. Soft Wheat No.

2, 93c; No. 3, 91 No. 4, 74c; rejected 65c Spring Wheat No. 2, No.3, 72c; rejected, 55 65c Corn No. 2, 17(c; No.

3, 17c; No. 4. 17c, no grade, 10c White corn No. 2, 18c; Na 3, No 4, 17'4. Oats No.

2, 16ffilic; Na 3, 15c; No. 4, 14c; No. 2 white 2023c: No. 3. 20c; Na 4, 15c RyeNo.

2, 32c; No. 3, 29c; Na 4, 28c Bran 3840c per cwt sacked; bulk 6c less. Hay Choice timothy. 888.50; Na 1. $7 7.50; Na 2, t66.50; clover, mixed, Na 1, ro6.50; Na 2.

4.505; choice prairie, f5.50; Na 1, f4.505; Na 2, Na 3, r33.5U or End it," has been the rallying cry of reform, directed against abuses municipal or social. For the man who lets himself be abused by a cough the cry should be modified to: Mend it, or it'll end yon. You can mend any cough, with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. most instant relief and is a permanent cure in rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, dyspepsia, backache, asthma, hay fever, catarrh, sleeplessness, nervousness, nervous and neuralgic headache, heat weakness, toothache, earache, croup, la grippe, malaria, creeping pitch, a condition counted upon by the enemy to cover up its advance. But the balloon is provided with a powerful electric searchlight, which throws its rays on the enemy's advancing lines.

But in face of the fearfui the greatest feeding' ground in the United States. Within the last two months trainload upon trainload of Texas cattle have been shipped over the Panhandle division of the Santa Fe into the Southern counties of "Kansas to winter on Kansas corn. The almost total failure of the cotton crop the best tract in Texas. High prairie, well drained, abundant rainfall, good soil, low prices and easy terms. Don't fail to post yonrself.

Write and receive our book ''Fertile Farm Lands" FREE and information as to cheap excursion and FREE FARE. Address Southern Texas Colonization Co John 110 Rialto Chicago What He Overlooked. It was evident that something preyed upon his mind, and, as he was usually light-hearted, they wondered what it could be. "An oversight," he said by way of explanation, when asked about it. "Perhaps not a serious one." he added, "but still enough to trouble me considerably.

1 thoughtlessly let it slip Thanksgiving day." "Let what slip?" "Why, the thanks that must be due from every sensible person in view of numbness, bronchitis, and kindred "It is not often that we commend in odds twenty and one this advantage light is of little use. sweeps oh and the even fifty to of the search-The black wave French army is these columns anything of a medicin al character, but our Chicago repre sentative has had personal access to the correspondence of this Company, tliicasro Board of Trade. work has Just been published ia Paris which ia causing much comment In French army circles, and which is oertaln to attract the attention of military men all over the world. It is entitled "L'Invasion Noire" Black and is written by Capt. Danrit, a French army officer in active service.

The purpose of the work, which Is formidable In size and profusely illustrated, is to show what a great war would mean fifty years hence, when it may be reasonably supposed that scientific invention will have perfected engines of destruction even more terrible and deadly than those In use to-day. The author somewhat plausibly imagines a general uprising of the black races all ever the world. The East Indiana rise once more in revolt against the English in India and join forces the Soudanese, Algerians, Abys-sinians, Zulus and Egyptians and the and has seen some of the many thous and after a trial this suggestion was adopted. Air ships of a new and improved pattern are introduced, and these are fitttvl with chambers to contain large quantities of the deadly gas, which, when the air ship is stationed at a certain height over the enemy, can be poured down through tubes. The balloons charged in this way take their places over the Mussulman army, each fAip being provided with 1G8 tubes.

The ships descend to within one hundred meters, and the signal is given to let go. The gas is stored in such quantities tiat the pressure is enormous, and as it escapes, resembles steam. The blacks below, accustomed to see the air ships, are not afraid, and discharge their rifles at them, doing no injury, thanks to their felt armor. As, however, they see the white substance issue from the tubes, they try to disperse and flee. But it is too late The gas reaches the ground quickly b6 in lexas this year is responsible for this immense exodus of stock, as cotton seed and cotton seed meal form the winter feed of cattle in Texas.

But not alone to the cattle of Texas has the yellow corn of Kansas formed a winter attraction. From New Mexico and Arizona, Colorado and Utah, Wy-soming- and after herd of ecattle have been shipped to Kansas for winter ands of genuine testimonials and let Electricity DMseronf to Firemen. At a recent fire in the basem*nt of a Chicago electric power house, the fire ters they receive daily, and assure us that the cures affected by this remedy border on the marvelous. Chicago Opinion. the fact that there won he any particularly large assortment of bicycle advertisem*nts to worry up their con men had great trouble in erettin? at wiped out.

The aeronaut severs his connection with the ground and soars away to carry this terrible news to Europe. Attached to. the balloon is a long folding ladder, provided with sharp hooks, intended to act as anchors, and when later the balloon is in danger of being destroyed by the Soudanese, the aeronaut protects himself by using the sharp points of the ladder. The Europeans have now been driven back as far as the Mediterranean, aii'A a panic has seized Europe. An international conference is held in Paris to the blaze.

Thev had to chon holes in flicting claims for a matter of three or If suffering do not delay, but order four months. Just think of what long rest that is'" Chicago Post. Snow Determined to Fight. TopekA, Dec. 26.

Ex-State today. Your money refunded if 5 drops falls In any way short of what we claim. To Pay a Penalty for Dining the floor of the dynamo room before they could get a stream on the blazing" pile of waste. Xot waiting for the dynamos to be shut down, thev crept through the black smoke and turned a stream on the flames. In an instant they were flung to the ground with ttii, Closa Close High.

Low. Dec. 28 Dec 24 Wheat 79 7S 78 78H May 61 82 81! July 77'i 70'4 .0 76 C0KN 23'j 224 22 22 January 21 22h May 'o 255 25 Oats December 16H January 16Vi 17 May 197i 19. 20 Pokk Uecember 6 75 6 70 January 7 62(4 7 60 7 60 7 57(4 May 7 92(i 7 90 7 90 7 87(4 Lahu Uecember 3 70 3 65 January 3 77W 3 82(4 3 7714 May 4 0i4 3 97(4 4 0O 3 97(4 Shout Kibs December 3 85 3 85 January 3 80 3 77(i 3 80 3 77'-4 May 4 02', 3 97(4 41)0 3 97 Printer, Ed Snow, of Ottawa, will bring every influence to bear as soon as the Populist state officers-elect are SWANS0N RHEUMATIC CURE Is rather hard, isn't it? Yet how manv are compelled to do this after every meal "Dvs-pepsia, that inexhorahle persecutor, never 167 Dearborn Chicago, 111. ceases 10 torment ot its own volition, and inaugurated to have himself recognized as state printer.

He claims that Major rarely yields to ordinary medication. But Hudson is simply doing- the work be tranquility of the stomach is in store for those who pursue a course of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This tine corrective also Manicuring. great violence and the hose was sent flying into the air. A heavy current had passed along the stream and had shocked them.

Though unconscious when rescued, they quickly recovered. cause the present state officials gave it Amateurs are usually astonished to remedies malarial and Lidner complaints. rheumatism, constipation, biliousness and to him, and not because lie is the regularly elected printer. hnd that manicuring is so simple, and nervousness. ijiectrieal Keview.

that the following directions sumce: rour some warm water in a bowl, un Kansas Kews Nates. are 4,500 railroad A 50-Cent Calendar Free. rerhaps the most beautiful tsued There John Brown's Tracts. Eli a Springfield, negro, wYio is held in much local es fold a small towel and lay it on one knee; take the right hand and proceed Parsons. for the year is Thb Vonru Compax- IO-V Al-t Calwlw, vbieh i fTv-t -4 'H subscriber to th; irair for the year teem, is remarkable for the fnvt that Kansas l'rotlfice.

Cuban mass meetings are the rage The Colorado Desert. The most famous of waste places in America, the Colorado desert, is popularly regarded as an empire of hope-loss sterility, tho silence of which will never be broken by the voices of men. Hut the great desert is the life work of the Colorado river. The scientific men of the University of have analyzed these waters and found that the actual commercial value of the fertilizings matter which would deposited upon cneh acre by irrigation amounts, in the course of a year, to What, then, is the potential value of the land which this river has created in centuries? The products of the region include oranges and the dates of commerce. The place is more like Syria than any other part of the I'nited and the daring imagination may readily conceive that here a new Damascus will arise, more beautiful than that of old.

With the occupation of tho Colorado desert and of the great peninsula which adjoins it, a powerful impulse will be given to agriculture, mining and commerce in a vast region now little peopled. Century. The Irump Problem. Tramps, our principal leisure class, are a nation within a nation. Difer-ing from the gypsies, who are born to certaiu traditions and inherited characteristics, the tramp is a citizen of the tramp nation by choice, lie has severed all other relations in life, and is, first and last, a member of the brotherhood whose common bond is hatred of work.

The citizen of the tramp nation combines in himself all the hateful and otitgrown qualities of the old-fashioned out-law, freelooter and highwayman except courage, lie is a sneak in his begging, in his depvodations, in his life, lie is a menace to the country, a nuisance to society and a disgusting blot to our civilization. Illustrated American. he has not eaten breakfast in forty in Kansas towns just now. KAXSA3 City, Dec 29. Eggs and Missouri strictly fresh gathered It is made up of four caanniuc pictures beautifully in twelve harmonious to cut tne nails in a semi-circle; then file the edges, and steep the right hand in the water; then take the left hand and steep it in its turn.

Having carefully dried the hands, push down the skin around the base of the nails with years, lie is a nle man of now. Great Bend's four hundred lately Baptist knew John Brown, and remem lu'4c dozen: cold storage stock, 12V4Q113C had their pictures taken in a group. colors. It is ia form a four-pa? follcr which, when extended, is inches in siz Th3 subjects are diifrbt fully attractive. Calendar bers well the occasion when the aboli A stock company has been formed in Poultry Hens, 4(c lb; roosters, 12(4c each; springs, 5c per lb; coarse springs and roosters, 4c; broilers, from 1(4 to 2 lbs, 6c tionist distributed bowie knives among an ivory instrument; brusli the nails lopeka for carnival purposes in 1897, the colored people in the Sanford makes a desirable ornament tr a mantel, center-table or writlnz-desk.

li Uo-Tercl for sal? only by the publishers of The YurTB'jt Cmmpaxiox at id cents per copy. Only because, cf tie enormous Street Church. New York World. Mr. Earlywine is a plasterer out at Turkeys.

over 7 lbs, 8c; under 7 lbs, Bot wanted; old gobblers, 6c; ducks, 6(4c; over with some red pomade, wipe them off, and then polish them with a plain Usey, geese, 6c Pigeons, dull, practically no de chamois-covered pad, rather small in nnmber published is it possible fer the pnbitshera mand; dealers doing best they can with S100 Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleas of ThkC'ohpaxiox to sea it free to all Cupis- A pair of young horses were offered for S5 cash on the streets of Dighton, them. lox subscribers. size, using particularly the polishing powder, till they shine. Then, to crown all, sprinkle on the hands and to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure one day last week, and no takers.

Butter Creamery butter, extra fancy separator, 20c; Hrsts, 18(4c; dairy fancy, 13c; fair, 10c; store packed, 8c; packing in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. wrists and rub in some deliciously Hog cholera is bad in Jefferson Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive county, the worst ever known there, cure Known to tne meuicai iraternity. stock, steady. 0c; country roll, neatly packed and sweet, 105jil2c; choice. Sioc; mussy scented sue de camelia.

which will at once make the skin look white, smooth and soft. catarrn being a constitutional disease, re unwrajijied stock same as packing stock. quires a constitutional treatment. Hall Catarrh Cure is taken internallv. actinc Miami county people will furnish $300,000 of the round 81,000,000 that must be written in Treasurer of State Cheese Missouri, Kansas and Iowa full cream, 89c; light skim, 5Si7c per tb.

Her directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces 6t the system, thereby destrovins bond. kimer full cream. 13c. the foundation of the disease and eivine Santa Fe Route California Limited. Leaves Kansas City 9:40 a.

m. Thurs the patient strength bv building ui the Why a Widow Gets No Pension. Mrs. Jane Streamer, living near Pawhuska, app.ied for a widow's pension last summer and has just received notice that her husband is alive and drawing a pension. She says she helped bury her husband, who was killed in battle in 1 the burial taking place near Terre Haute.

lnd, and will ask the department to determine whether there was a mistake then, and she can be reunited with one so long mourned as dead, or whether someone has fraudulently impersonated the dead man. A Garden City boy supports the family Apples Market quiet and practically no tradinsr in car lots. Choice eating stock sells constitution and assisting nature in doing days and Sundays, reaching Los Ange by trapping coyotes for their pelts. from 4ug.G0c a bushel; interior, its wort ine proprietors nave so muca faith in its curative rowers that they Out West alfalfa hay is in demand cooking stock. KS 35c.

Ben Davis, 2O340c les in 57 hours, and San Diego jn 61 hours. Returns from California Mondays and Thursdays. oner one Hundred Dollars tor anv that it fails to cure. Send for list of tes for shipment. The supply is shortened "ine Saps, according to quality.

Potatoes With a moderate supply the by home demand for feed. iiquipment of superb vestibule Pull market is steady at quotations. Home grown, 20(322' in a small way; 17c in car timonials. Address. F.

J. CHENEY, Toledo, a Sold by Drugeists. 75c. Hall Family Pills are the Best. The black leg has appeared amono the herds of the Arkansas valley, and lots.

man palace sleepers, buffet smoking car and dining car. Most luxuriant eervice via any line. a great many cattle have died. Game Quail, trapped and sound, and good Another express tram, carrying both stock, $1.25 per doz; wild geese, t-i pel doz: curlew, Jl.50 per doz; salt watet Oh, So Peaceful. W.

R. Haskell set a trap for coyotes near Lankin and caught an immense eagle, measuring six and one-half palace and tourist sleepers, leaves turtles, on order, 10c per lb; young The loss of property caused by the tornado in St. Iouis in May last has been estimated by expert assessors to have been Youngling What a quiet, solemn game whist is. squirrel. 50c a doz; ducks, canvas backs, mallards, S3; red heads, $3.25, teaL feet from tip to tip.

Kansas City at 2:25 p. m. daily for Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. Inquire of Hostetter (an undertaker) Yes: I Governor Morrill says the newspapers have the election figures sadly mixed. enjoy it quite as much as a funeral.

I'nprotltable Virtue. "Xaw," said Tommy, "I ain't working the good little boy racket this Christmas; not much. It tried it las' Christmus." "tid they get onto asked Jimmy. "Naw, they didn't get onto me, but they thought I was in earnest, an' went an' bought me a dinky lot of Sunday school books an' a set o' chessmen." Indianapolis Journal. Ueo.

W. Uagenbuch, P. T. Kansas City, Ma North American. He received 1,185 more votes than Mc- green wing, $1.25, blue wing, $1.50 and mixed $1.25 per doz; jack-rabbits, OOc-SSl; cotton tails,, 5060c for fresh stoi 25340c for damaged stock: prairie chickens.

$5 per dozen; venison saddles, log.) 2c; buck carcasses, pel lb; black tail or mule deer carcasses, 6ftj8c Kinley and 522 more than Secretary oi state dwards, who was next high His Predicament. "Xever talk shop at home, should never mix his home Odds Were About Even. She was a well preserved woman, A man and his No one. fixes up his political fence in Kansas any more he goes out tc WOOL. -Missouri and similar fine.

and certainly did not look her forty inspect his trocha. fine medium medium 1112c combing lift 12c; coarse, KM? I lc; Colora years; indeed, people who saw her do tine, 66? He: tine medium. 7(ft9c; medium about with her twenty-year-old daughter, generally, if they did not know business affairs." "Put I can't help it." "Why "I edit the housekeepers' column of a family story paper. Chicago Post. The grimmest joke which has been perpetrated in Kansas for a year was by that Wichita suicide who left a 8g 10c; coarse and carpet, 78c: extremely neavy and sandy, Kansas Nebraska and Indian Territory, tine.

CSBc: fine medium 7Q.9c: medium. 83 10c: combine, ti-tl them, used to take them for siste In the matter of actual looks the was, indeed, better looking tha. her note in whicli he declared: "1 see nothing to live for but death. mc: coarse. 7W.8c: North and South Dakota.

daughter, and she certainly had quite Utah and Montana, tine. 6R8c; medium. 85i The first instance of a white conplt being married by a colored ministei as manv admirers. 1 he daughter com- lOc; coarse. 7(6 dark heavy or short, 5 The Worst of It.

Several years ago, when a New York theatrical manager was young in the business, he put out a comedy company. "And so you lost money, did you?" asked a sympathetic friend cn the Rialto, "Lost money'." exclaimed Smith. "Why, old man, I sank in it. All gone in eight weeks." "Is that so? I'm awfully sorry." "Yes, sir; and the worst of it is that I lost 875 in cash." New York Commercial Advertiser. "ing into the mother's room the other be; burrv.

from lc to 3c. less. Hides Xo. 1. 7c; No.

2, 6c: salt cured, free occurred in Doniphan county last week. In a series of meetings, held within year, Topeka has declared war against night they were both going to a dance found the latter putting on the of brands. Hat. G'c; part cured, flat, 6c; bull No Chance for a Defense. Judge Now, sir, what grounds have you to base your claims for divorce upon? Plaintiff Your honor, my wife snores so hard that she wakes the baby and then she insists upon me getting up and walking the floor with him.

Judge Application granted. Kext! Cleveland Leader. and side brands. Na l.Oc; No. hmshing touches to her toilet before the long glass of her wardrobe.

trance, bngland, Turkey and ipain uncured, oc: trozen hides, green, uncured, He less; dry iiint. No. 1. 9c; No. 2, 7c; dry dear, said tne mother, wniie 'out the amounts collected when tht liat was passed around wouldn't buj ammunition enough to fire off a ship'fe Gladness Comes salt, no.

1. 8c: No. 2, dry glue, 4c; green glue, 2c; kips, 15 to 25 lbs. No. 1, 7c her ha nd adjusted her shoulder strap "what would you give to be as good looking as your No.

2. 6c; calf. 8 to 15 lbs. No. 1, 8c; No.

g-un once. Furs Raccoon, large. 40c; medium, 30c "What would I give, dear mother? small. 25c Skunk, black. Cog70c: short Dr.

Kay's Lung Balm is the safest, surest and pleasantest cure for all coughs. Mrs. Nichols is the name of an ole lady after whom a station on the Santa Fe between Xopeka. and Atchison was replied the girl; "why, exactly what striped, 40(5 3(ir: narrow striped, broad striped, Mink, large, 605170c. you would give to be as young as medium.

4KfifOc; small, 2oc Opossum Pick-Me-Lp. Low Knouffh. She was waiting for the ball and was discussing trivial little everyday matters with her mother while waiting for the carriage. "And among other things," she said, "I really must get some collars." "Not for that gown," interrupted her incorrigible brother. "You can use a belt," Chicago Post, named.

When the road was building she made no claim for damages becanst large. Mc; medium, 5c, small. 2c; early VMS imiiinin! It is admitted even by a Chicago newspaper that St. Louis is the greatest tobacco center in the world. caught, worthless.

Muskrat. fall 5c; winter, iHiiiUiUiliilliiiUUiiiiiiiilllUllllillllliluillUilliHIiljr-lilHIIIIIilUilUiiUliUIIUIIIimii I11IUU it crossed her farm and in return sht was given a life pass, which she nevet spring. 10c. Civits. prime.

lOc Fox, The Mandarin's Jewels. There was once a mandarin who was 'THE BALLOON ROSE, CARRYING AWAY ITS FRIGHTFUL CARGO OF DISEASED grav, red, bifrt75c. Wolf, mountain, uses except when her business as a lt2; prairie. Wildcat, excessively fond of jewels, and always Mrs. Wirtnlow's SooflUnjg Syrup ForcluMren tee'hin.

softensthezums. reduces inflam-nation, allays rain, i-ures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. poultry raiser takes her into Atchison Beaver, larjte. 7: medium, small, Badg-T, Otter, prime, large, I he fact that three Atchison men walked abroad with his robe covered with the sparkling gems.

One day he was accosted by an obi bonze, who, hundreds of other races and tribes, known and unknown, of the great Africa continent, who are exasperated have erected monuments to theii prime medium, prime small, $2SS 2.50. Bear, $15 and down, as to size and quality. TO Ct'RE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Di'tik'uU in return! Uie money if it fails to cure.

bu wives" first husbands leaves it open tc following him through the strest. at the manner in which the European question whether sympathy or ven bowed himself often to the ground and powers have taken possession of their geance was the actuating motive. thanked the mandarin for his jewels. An Alameda, policeman took possession of a hearse and stopped a funeral procession until the undertaker paid his S10 license. Jl cabman's Camphor lee -with dlyeerine Cures Chapped Hand and Kare, lender or Sore Chilblains, Files.

O. Clark hew Bavc, Lt. LIVE STOCK. country. hat does the man mean? cried some estern irrigationists have With a better understanding of th transient nature of the many pbys? ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gent le efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed.

There is comfort ia the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to cny actual disease, but simply to a constipated condition of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, promptly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who Value good health. Its lienencial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness' without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore ali important, in order to get its beneficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have th genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists.

If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used a nd gires most general satisfaction. Forty millions of Mohammedans In scheme to connect the Arkansas rivet the mandarin, in great alarm. Then, addressing the bonze, he said, "I never gave you any jewels, man!" with the Cheyenne bottoms bv mean.

of a great ditch. "Jo, replied the bonze, but you George W. Cable, the American nov Kansas Citt, Dec 29. Cattle Receipts since Saturday, 7.842: calves, 171; shipped Saturday. 613 cattle, no calves.

The market was 15 to 25 cents lower. Following are representative sales: SHIPPING AND DRESSED BEEF STEERS. James Lsett, a Smith county farmer, have let me look at them, and that is China, the Siamese, the Persians and the Turks all join the standard of the holy war of vengeance and extermination, and assemble under the leadership of Abd-ul-M'hammed, a sultan dethroned at Constantinople by English elist, is to make a tour of England Ha Had Vowed. She Would you love me just the same, dearest, if 1 were poor instead oi worth a million? He I have registered a solemn vow never to discuss the financial question aguiu. Louise Michel declines to come to this country unless Pietro tiori, the Italian Anarchist, accompanies her.

Pietro has a dreatl of water and wil'. nut couio. received a letter the other day. signed all the use you can make of them your- next year, when he will sife a series 1 1 1 3c ri yt .1 i 1 .111. 1, self, so there is no difference between by George Brownfield, containing cause of the pressure, and envelops the black ranks in a cloud.

When it drifta away the earth is strewn with corpses, not a living person remains. But the means by which this deliverance is effected almost proves fatal to the conquerors. The fatal gases disperse very slowly and are wafted in great clouds toward Paris, sowing death to all in their path. Paris becomes partly submerged in the deadly gas and many thousands perish. But the scientist has done more than all combined armies of Europe could do.

He has destroyed the invader. Later, when the vast number of dead bodies threaten to breed a frightful scourge, the air ships tubes are once more utilized, this time to deluge the bodies with petroleum. The torch is then applied and all danger of a plague is past. consider means of defence, and the result Is that the allied powers send a magnificent fleet to the Mediterranean. Now, it is thought, the barbarian cau go no farther.

The steel walls of civilization bar the way. Butthe sultan and his followers make up in cunning what they lack in ironclads. They have in their pay a European anarchist, a renegade Englishman, who has sworn eternal hatred to his race. This man has some knowledge of chemistry and is able to manufacture high explosives. These explosives are placed in earthen jars and thus constitute, when hermetically sealed, a formidable torpedo, capable of blowing out of the water the largest ironclad afloat.

Knowing that their enemy possesses no material for naval warfare, the European admiral neglects to place torpedo nets, and keps little watch. Finally, by the aid of native swimmers, us, except that you have the trouble of two-cent stamp to pay lor an onioi which the latter g-ot in the former's garden five years ago. "I recentlj No cough so bad that Dr. Kay's Lung Balm intrigue, but regarded by every true guarding them, a task I should not care for." Harper's Round Table. will not cure it See ad.

joined the Mennonite church, tht letter said, "and am tryinsr to undt Mussulman as the representative of the prophet and the chief of Islam. Hordes of fanatics gather under his banner from all parts of Asia, Africa and India, Gentleman Well, young man. been fishintr. have vou? Caught anything? the wrongs I have committed in th It Makes a Difference. "Miss Blank doesn't seem to be so Truant from School So, sir; I- past.

1- ive years ago 1 got an omoi fVurlet flowers stand drought better than any others. enthusiastic about the new woman haven't been home vet. Collier's out of your parden to eat, without ask until at last the sultan has under his business as she was." ing for it. 1 guess two cents will paj Weekly. command an army of 13,000,000 men.

"Xo. She hasn't found it quite so the damage. 1 send that amoum At a preconcerted signal, this vast much fun as it -seemed at the begin herewith." horde, perfectly armed with the most No. Ave. l'rice.

Na Ave. Price. 17 4 75 i JO 1.435 4 55 S9 1.3M2 4 55 1.552 4 50 31 1.12B....3 7S 20 1. 110 3 ho 00 I 1 1.240.... 8 75 TEXAS AND INDIAN STEKHS.

20....1.012....3 3) 44 979....330 21.... 1.102.... 3 20 I 30 748....3 13 21 li) NATIVE HEIFBRS. 1 RIO 3 75 1....1050 3 50 1 5O 2 9'JO 3 35 2.... H'Jo 3 CO 2....

1170 300 1.... 720 2 75 30.... 7'Jo 3 00 NATIVE COWS. 1....1070 3 23 I 1.... 1470...

..325 1....1150 3(H I 3.... 923 2 90 1 950 2 (lil I 2 72i 1 SO 1 9oO 1 65 I 1 BOO 175 XATIVE FF.F.DEUS. 14... 9S9 3 70 i .9 1008. ...3 70 2....

9911 3 70 993... .3 70 3 05 I 39 1110. ...300 NATIVE STOf'KEKS. yrl C73 4 (HI I 3 793 3 SO 1.... C.7o 3 75 3 090....3 7O 1 .3 25 5 M32 3 "0 3...

803 3 oil 1 570....290 Piso'i cure for Consumption has saved me large doctor bills. C. I. iker, 4223, Regent Philadelphia. Pa-, Dec 8, "95.

ning. hue she was just striving for About six months ago some Denvei modern weapons, purchased from the whites, sweeps over Europe, spreading i i recognition it was great sport, bnt now sharpers went to Trego and Ellis counties and remained there awhile, pre The author concludes by indulging in The Imperial Bank of (Jermany has FARMERS township 3 days a week, to diptrihuie samples, collect names and work up trade for tint'sis on the three great family remedies: Dr Kay's Renovator, Dr. 1-alm sn! Kiuneykur. Good pay to man or womtm Sea I lor booklet and terms. It I.

Kar M-lWi To O-nhn V4 tending to lie prospecting. Finallv "Yes?" "Well, since she has received recog existed twenty years. Its system is by they gathered some alleged specimen: -io means as simple or as perfect as in misery to thouTOnil of peoplo who have the taint of Hcrofulit In their 11ihh1. For thin terrible kffliutlun there la no rumedy equul to nition to the extent that she has had the nited States. of lead and zinc ore and obtained forged assayer's certificate showing liiM that they contained a very rich min PENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS.

'JOHN W. MORRIS. WASHiNSrOS.D.a lAtm Frincipa Examiner V. S. raauoa Bar a.

ral. They then got Topeka and Kan- FITS atoppefl fiw an1 prmn.t!y nrHI. Kofl after first day's u) of Lr. Kline Urrat erv lixntnri Free $2 trial iwttie and ir.ittf Mud Uk. Kukk, Arch t.

FaUaiiclpUia, Pa, to stand up in the street cars, hustle for her own theater tickets and buy her own flowers I have noticed that she has not been so emphatic in her demand for absolute equality." Chicago Post. Hood's as City parties to form a company is. ia Ian 14 aaiaoicaUG claia am. mac. with a capital of $200,000.

Stock was sold in both cities' and elsewhere at good prices. Investigations and explo A house without a woman is like a body withont a sonL-Montenegnm flO mWgVS proverb. Cnrod. DR.a.t-STEPHEHS.taJiOFIi.OfclO. Sarsaparilla The PentIn fact the One True Wood Pwtflfr.

rations have just shown the wholt Weighing Living Fish. A visitor at the New York aquarium scheme to be a fake, and the bubbl has burst, but the Denver sharpers who had wondered how they managed to get the weight of a live ilsh accur tlrtrMl'e enra Liver 11U; easy to MIXKO. 30I.cvs (fi: 8 00 20 I. cvs. (Ti 5 00 2 cvs.

.340.. 3 8 1 calf 120 ifii 5 25 1 bull 73 13 15112 3 20 2 ox 1070 3 OO I oxeti .1244 3 lit) Hogs Tteceipts since Satur ay. shipped Saturday, none. The market was strong to 5 cents higber. The top sale was J3.40 and the bulk of sales from 13.30 to t3.3').

The following are representative sales: cleaned up nearly 5100,000. a take, ouay to operate. 25c A crank signing himself, or herself. Master. To master is to overpower.

ately, learned that that was really a as the case may be, as "God's com HERE'S A NEW COUNTRY! mandcr, writes daily letters of advice ST- JACOBS OIL Is the AB A TI A A to Governor-elect Leedy. very simple thing- to do. Ihe hsh is put into a pail of water, which is weighed with the fish in it. Then the fish is taken out and pail and water are weighed without it. Xci.

Wt Price. No. Wt Price. No. Wt Price.

The state treasurer has received Master Cure of I fm NEW HOPEt NEW OrrRTlNlTlf.8! 82 2U8 3 4D 72 212 3 40 copy of the bill introduced in congress T. cnMiiue Voile rant it by Congressman Dick lilue to 11 Vllivnu uuuuvO frj vaf uvuuf uswv Tra THE LAND of 81NMI1NK aiul FLKNTY burse Kansas for payments made foi the Quantrel raid claims. In 1887 thi A Severe Test. "What makes you think Oldly is an MILIt tXIMATK.r-EKTILK SOIL, CHEAP LAM OH. 91 201 3 37 81 213 3 84 2H0 3 37i4 70 223 3 35 f.l 245 3 33 83 170 3 35 58 1h9 3 35 03 240 3 35 03 240 3 33 7 428 3 (15 14 115 3 05 2 345 3 OO 89 1M7 3 37'i 09 2U0 3 37 72 213 3 37'i 92 190 3 35 70 223 3 S3 77 315 3 33 73 302 3 33 64 249 3 35 20 ll'l 3)5 4 1(f) 3 (5 6 125 3 (iO A i state assumed the responsibility HO 197 3 159 207 3 2O0 3 70 231 3 35 73 210 3 35 00 278 3 35 1 58 110 3 35 77 207 3 35 8 410 3 lO 9 4111 3 15 2 390 3 OO honest man?" paying these claims to an amount ex "Because I heard him tell his wife ceeding $300,000.

The state has madi payments in installments of one tenth that he stayed out all night to play The buildingof the Kansas City.Pitts-burg 1 Railroad Tort Arthur poker." Detroit tree 1'ress. Route has opened up a country in of the interest and principal, each year the last payment being due in 1899 The bill introduced by Mr. Blue car Western Missouri and Arkansas that Sheep Receipts slice Saturday, 1,650: i New Jersey Grape Jaiee Sent to Karope. cannot be excelled as an agricultural shipped Saturday, none. The market was strong and active and some sales 10 to 15 Me ftiiwr.

of New Jersev. has a reputation ex THAT Listless, Aimless, Dull, Lack-J ries $302,012,415, which, if passed, wil und fruit growing country. No other tending over the world as being a reliable prodno or Oporto Grape Juice and Port Wine. Ills 0orlo fully reimburse the state of Kansas. country in America presents so many cents higher.

Following are to-day's sales: Lustre iceling of yours shows that your Juice and Port Wine are ordirerl by tamines Daddy Mead, of the McPherson Ke opportunities" to the home-eeher, manufacturer or speculator. It 24nat His, 89.. 5 OO 52 13 nat lhs, 81.. 4 50 52 W. lbs.

78..4 SO I 2 culls, 95 2 00 internal machinery is running too slowly. tirrr 1 4 publican, is one of the old-fashioned Dresden. London ana runs tortneir superior meuicai virtues, and the blool mat in; qualities. owinu to the iron contained in the soil in which the vines 1 N. M.

OO i is a land of sunshine and plenty.where men who always speaks of a turkev mVfll TP BOWELS are languid erow. vou can work out of doors VI months gobbler as a "master turkey." wv BmOD is slusrs-ish Chicago Live Stock. Mrs. Mary Ward, editor of the Sha Friction. She I suppose it's hereditary that in tliH year instead of six months.

No hot winds in summer, no blizzards in winter. Lands are cheap along this Chicaco, Dec. 29. Hoes Trade rather ron Springs limes, never rudelv speaks makes pugs' noses so short. slow; 5c higher; light.

S3.30S3.55; mixed. of a departed citizen as having "passed person. Cascarcts cinuy catnartc meKe your liver I lively, your bowers regular, your blood pare, move year machlnerv. Buy a box drag store. 10c.

35c, 50c, or mailed tor price. lor booklet and iree S3.3 heavy, 3.HV&3.50; rough, 3.10 He Yes, being Kissea mere ior so new line of road, because this country has heretofora been remote 3.15. many generations. Truth. in his checks.

bhe says: "He was chosen by an inscrutable Providence part the curtains in death's dark room." Cattle Market slow and lower; beeves. from railroad. Mild climate, healthy sample. 83.4(S;5.10; cows and heifers, 1.50(5; 4. 00: and pleasant.

CANDY Texas steers, V2.8Ugjj4.15; stockers and Vou should also see the new division Stanislaus Ducatch. a fullblood Osag( Celestial Fashion. "When I married you," he said, "I Sheep Market steady. Indian, was married to Miss De Hart. CATHARTIC thought you were an angel." ..,...1.

1 -1. t-1 i 1 a pretty white girl, at Chief Kevard's town Of Mn, Folk Ark. It Is a good illustration of what pluck and enterprise can do build a city of people in days. Mena is surrounded by a tributary country capable of sus CURE CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. homi in the nation last week.

Miss De Hart is an Independence girl and Sugar and Coffee. 111 11 I IV 11 U- lii iiv. "From the very first," she went on, "vou seemed to think I could get along A MOVABLE TUR RETED ENGINE FOR STORMING FO RTIFICATION. New YoiiK.Dec. 29.

Suuar. raw, easy; fair has been a teacher in the Osage school Hoint STERLING REMEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO: wowtreau new vork. S3S without clothes." Tit Bits. reliuins, 2 13-10c: centrifugal. 90 test, 3J4C taining a city of loo.uoo people.

It is announced as a love match, though so far as this world's goods art retined, quiet: crushed, 5c; powered, 4c llomeseeker'a tickets one fare for the dream of the humbling and destrne. the round trip, plus 93.00 can be granulated, 4c. Coffee Fir No. 7, lOc. concerned, Mr.

Ducatch is precisely what his name would indicate with tion, by the allied powers, of England, who, he declares, were mainly responsible for the great danger Europe has just bought at all principal northern and rastern railroad points on Nov. 17th, Dt. tut and lath. Don't miss these the first syllable knocked off. A Fatal Colorado Quarrel.

AMONG THE DEAD OF THE YEAR. These Prominent Men All Died ot mat Great Modern Gurse-BriQlit's D.sease. John Bradley, the 17-year-old son oi Denvkk, Pec. 86. Oliver tJallaghan, escaped.

England's aggressive policy J. Q. Bradley of Emporia, fatally shot I foreinau of a ffang of twenty men em an over tne world has turned everv na- himself while out hunting. He and opportunities. i'or full information, address F.

A. HORNBECK, Land Commissioner. ployed in cutting timber at tion against her, and when France and Frank Pyne had placed their guns switch, was shot and killed today by a lumberman named Stenger, with whom he had quarreled. against a tree while eating lunch. One of them slipped down and was discharged, the load of quail shot striking Bradley in the top of the forehead.

7th Bad Wyandotta Rt Kansas City, Mo, rW Manager and Areata wanted fc I lor Dr. Wuy rlne I onic, no Six Miners Killed. Princeton, Dec. 28. The ex tearing a hole in the scalp and shat-1 muoic ar sue aoes not nna an ally.

The allied powers land on the English coast near Reigate and march upon London, which, after a feeble resistance by the English, is taken. Her fleet is destroyed, and England begs for peace. It is granted on one condition only Delenda Jlritannia! tering the skull. moi'irv i-quii-eu unul none! aresolo "Woman-aood," vuiimhle booklet on female (llrtouiuw, plosion of gas in the Princeton sbafi In T'r. II .1 Kav MtMllcnl Omuha, Neb.

A lot of small "posters are to be Saturday night was not so serious as believed. Six miners were killed, while printed by the Topeka sanitary department containing the words: "Hogs I PATENTS, TRADE MARKS one is missing and is believed to be tpit on the sidewalks; Uentiemen in dead. Eight men were rescued almost devastation and ruin In its path, just as sixteen hundred years previous the barbarovs Huns had swept over the western empire of Rome. Europe now begins to be alarmed at the seriousness of the uprising, and in Paris the Geographical Society of French Africa appoints a committee to report on the extent of the revolt. The president of the society is an aeronaut and has perfected an airship which he calls "The Czar," and in which he offers to proceed to Africa.

"The Czar" goes to Africa, making the trip in two days, and joins the French army on the evening before the catastrophe. The of the balloon in warfare at once becomes apparent. The French general has not been able to locate the exact position of the enemy. He feels they are near him, yet his outposts and patrols have not sighted any. "The Czar" soars In the air, and from the altitude attained the aeronaut is able to see overwhelming numbers of the blacks stationed in the distant valley and waiting till night to advance on their foe.

The balloon returns and takes up its position a thousand yards in the air, above the military square. It Is In constant telephonic communication with the general and reports to him minute by minute the stealthy advance of the Slack, Kight fails. It is as dark as who place the jars of explosives under each vessel, the whole European fleet is blown, into the air, and the Mussulman? iivade Europe, entering and seizing Constantinople. The Turks now go over to the cause of their co-religionists. It becomes a war between the Christian and the infidel.

A novel contrivance introduced by the Germans to effect havoc in the enemy's ranks was ironclad locomotives, or huge citadels moved by steam, like a train, and moving on broad wheels, like a steam roller. This machine could be steamed close up to the enemy's ranks, and the men inside could open up a deadly fire without much danger to themselves. But these advantages only retarded the final catastrophe. The enemy was invincible. Europe was doomed.

The ordinary means of checking the enemy had failed. He could not be fought with bullets. Science must come to the rescue. Then it was that the French scientist, Gauthier, came to the French government with a proposition. Gauthier was a humanitarian and had devoted his life to seeking some means of killing off men in such masses as to render war practically impossible.

He proposed to the French government that deadly gases which he could manufacture be used against the enemy. fwamlnathm iitd Arf-rk- Patentability of In- lifeless, but it is thought they will the Gutter, and pasted on the side-1 walks. These, it is expected, will do '-i nniiin. thrill for Ouli.r How to (let a rattftil." i AUKELL bON aatilawton, 1. more good than an ordinance.




Found in the Seine. SI Our Nativa HsrbsMK 'V man Miss Birdie Summer of Dickinson county does very nicely with the pres anvwhare. London, Dec. 29. It is reported here TU1 UkKB Topi.

Ku. lor B6o in oitao damp. ent weatner. that the body of Hubert Crackenthorp. Straw Horseshoes.

Before the of iron horses were frequently shod with straw, as they are in many parts of China to the present day. In some of the country districts of the empire many persons make their living by gathering the caet-off straw horseshoes scattered along the rnuh. co*kl the author, who mysteriously disap Dr, Kay's Lung Balm an for Charles Janes Moon, a Topelta boy, tb rout diaauae peared in Pans during the month of October, giving rise to suspicions W. N. U.

Kansas City. No. 1. named after the late banker, Charles II. Janes, of Hiawatha, is named as the beneficiary of an insurance policv for 83,000 on Mr.

Jane's life. The foul play, has been found in the river The year just closed has furnished an alarming array of prominent men who have died of Bright's disease of the kidneys. The number Includes Professor Austin Abbott, the grreat Jurist and author of law books: M. B. Brady, the famous photographer; Col.

Thos. W. Knox, the author of the "Boy Mark M. Pomeroy, the well-known editor; Mr. Edwin Pardridge.

the prominent Chicago merchant: and ex-Governor Greenhalge. of Massachusetts. If "death loves a shining mark," It Is rieine suffering with it to-day, and yet do not realize this serious fact. There are men and women in every portion of America who feel out of sorts, and who do not realize what it Is that affects them. They may have peculiar pains in various parts of the body, strange lassitude, a bad taste In the mouth, pains in the back and about the loins, and a general Irregularity of the system.

These thlr-irs mean Bright's Disease in some one of Its various stages, and no roan or woman is safe who has them. This terrible disease was once considered incurable. Eminent doctors so de which is an absolute cur for Bright disease, even in its advanced stages. It is the one and only known remedy for this terrible complaint; Its naifte ia Warner's Safe Cure. It is simply marvelous how many people are to-day kept in perfect health and strength through its use.

It has a pleasing, soothing and quieting effect upon the kidneys, and all adjacent organs. It relieves promptly, puts the system in a condition of health, and substitutes happiness for misery. Testimonials of its great power could be furnished by the thousands, but all intelligent men and women, as well as the medical profession, know its great power and the grand work lt is doing in the 'world. mpney will be used to educate the boy. Batavla, 111., Bankers Assign.

Batavia, Dec. 29. William Mrs. S. A.

Sutton of Sheridan county raised 600 bushels of corn, cultivated a garden and put up twenty-five tons tLtwiitursrriA i LU.i and J. S. Van Nortwick, bankers and manufacturers, have made an assign I of hay the last Hesides she Bosk tiiitfh ay tp, '1 a(s (ttMKi, Xewi for the Children. The most advanced food authorities urge now to serye the breakfast cereal, particularly to the children of the family, with dates figs mixed With, it instead of sugar and cream. season, invalid ment to the Equitable Trust company husband and took care of an four children.

also certain that Bright's disease finds its victims among the prominent as well of Chicago. This was brought on by clared, but constant scientific and chem Uie Atlas National bunk aa among the millions of people who are I lcslgxpcriments resulted in a discovery. 3 i I.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.